WaPo Says ‘Climate Change’ will make humans delicious to polar bears – IOTW Report

WaPo Says ‘Climate Change’ will make humans delicious to polar bears


DC: The Washington Post is out with a shocking headline based on a study claiming currently “rare” polar bear attacks on humans could become more frequent due to man-made global warming.

“Polar bears hurt by climate change are more likely to turn to a new food source — humans” is the rather chilling headline WaPo went with in its article, published Thursday. The Post reported that with higher temperatures, “the more likely polar bears are to interact with humans — and possibly attack and eat them.”  MORE

21 Comments on WaPo Says ‘Climate Change’ will make humans delicious to polar bears

  1. I can see it happening, if there is less ice tourists will flock there to see it while they can. This gives the polar bear a much better chance to lunch on a slow human than a fast seal. Tourist are also still needed in North Korea and Venezuela.

  2. Moron hilarity.

    First they were supposed to all drown in the sea because the Poles would melt and completely disappear.

    Now they’re going to be swimming ashore in Boca Raton and Malibu looking to snack on beach goers?

    Just wow. I can remember when the Washington Post was an actual newspaper.

  3. Can we air-drop the polar bears into Africa?

    It’s pretty hot there, so maybe the environmentalists should try shaving the polar bears, first. Somebody should be shooting video while this happens.

  4. I thought Polar Bears drank Coke. When all their teeth have rotted away, the globally-warmed bears will have to gum us to death.

    Who in Hell comes up with this sh!t? Steven King?

  5. No,no, no, no. I have it on good authority, Algore, that Polar bears will all be gone by three years ago. Must be some kinda mistake. Maybe conservatives should go to zoos, toss liberals over the Polar bear fence, and see what happens. Start with politicians.

  6. I don’t know for sure, but I do believe most humans in the vicinity of polar bear territory are pretty well armed. .357 and .44 Magnum revolvers, 12 gauge shotguns loaded with slugs, lever-action .45-70 rifles, and the like.

  7. Just watched black fish and CNN did that documentary. They definitely did more journalists story then. I could see their transition to trump as the killer whale while watching. Sickening!

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