WaPo: The Democrats own this economy – IOTW Report

WaPo: The Democrats own this economy

FOX Nation

Obama Administration Continues to Badmouth Economy It Created

By: Ed Rogers (Washington Post)

The Obama administration continues to badmouth the economy it has created. Its chutzpah is astonishing. It talks about this economy as if it is a bunch of insurgents who have been holding “Occupy” protest signs in a public park someplace. President Obama inherited some economic problems, but he has had six years to turn things around. The Democrats own this economy.

There is no chance our economy will get any better if this administration won’t acknowledge the truth. In that regard, I was discouraged by Vice President Biden’s speech at George Washington University on Monday, which was billed as the launch of the Democrats’ economic argument against Republicans ahead of the 2014 elections. Well, Joe Biden sounded more like an Occupy protestor than one of the central architects of the economic policies that have been promulgated in America for the last six years. And for Biden to bemoan income inequality is beyond insincere; it doesn’t pass the laugh test. The one dominant feature of the Obama-era economy has been the enrichment of Wall Street, via the Federal Reserve.

Today, the Post’s Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler, ably explained how the vice president’s assertions that “the disparity in income growth is entirely caused by Republican presidents and policies” were “misleading.” Kessler is far too graceful to call it a delusional whopper.

And oh, by the way, it was remarkably poor planning that Biden gave that speech just days before this morning’s Bureau of Economic Analysis announcement that GDP growth in the first quarter of 2014 was just 0.1 percent.



4 Comments on WaPo: The Democrats own this economy

  1. Everything govt does to intervene in the market results in a poorer use of resources than would be the case otherwise.


    It follows that nothing govt does can “help” the economy except to lessen or, preferably, stop intervening.

    Much of what govt does to “fix the economy” are misguided attempts to lessen the damage that their previous “fixes” have caused. The new “fixes” make things worse, and the result is a vicious cycle, a downward spiral of growing desperation.

  2. Boner deserves as much credit for Recovery Summers, #1, 2 3 & 4 as JoeBiden does.

    He could’ve done alot more than play golf and play nice with Zero.

  3. The depressing, and only rational conclusion one must come to is that the Commiecrats have wiped out almost all traces of shame, logic, and history in their 100 year drive to power. And don’t be mistaken. The Commies now OWN the USA.

    I think it’s already too late. The lofos can see our lips moving, but can’t hear a word we say. I know people who literally go BERSERK if I tell them what I think about Obama. Unbelieveable.

    Oh well. They’ll get what they are asking for, and then be stunned to find out that ALL liberties have been abolished.

    Then they will say: “DUH! How did that happen?”.

    Be careful what you wish for, you might get a half-black Kenyan to lullaby (or is it lullabye-bye?) you to sleep….

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