WaPo To Run $5 Million Super Bowl Ad Promoting Free Press Amid Mass Media Layoffs – IOTW Report

WaPo To Run $5 Million Super Bowl Ad Promoting Free Press Amid Mass Media Layoffs

DC: The Washington Post announced Saturday it will premier an ad during Sunday’s Super Bowl LIII extolling the importance of journalism to a healthy democracy.

The 60-second ad comes as hundreds of journalists are losing their jobs amid mass media layoffs.

“While most Super Bowl ad producers have the better part of a year, we had the lesser part of a week, but with an event this big, we decided to seize the opportunity,” Fred Ryan, publisher and CEO of WaPo, noted in a press statement.

CBS is charging $5.25 million for a 30-second ad, CNBC reported. WaPo would not comment on how much the company was spending on its commercial slot.

The ad, which will feature actor Tom Hanks as the narrator, is expected to showcase murdered and missing journalists around the world. The campaign comes after WaPo contributor Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated in October 2018 at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Major digital media outlets meanwhile are cutting workforce size amid an upheaval in the industry.   more here

13 Comments on WaPo To Run $5 Million Super Bowl Ad Promoting Free Press Amid Mass Media Layoffs

  1. Had just perused an article on another site (sorry, don’t remember which one) where the union that represents their employees is giving them hell for the ridiculous amount of money spent for the ad.😂

  2. Jeff Bezos and his wife are sure devoted to the getting ahead of any Fake News that might be appearing in the National Enquirer. Fake news. Fake breasts. Take your pick.

  3. Major digital media outlets are cutting the workforce cuz our hard-earned tax dollars given to them by Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, maladroit, plastic banana republic Manchurian Douche-nozzle, to the tune of 160 million bux, has done run out! See I told ya they wuz bought & paid for!


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