WaPo writer: When I met Islamic State fighters, I couldn’t hate them – IOTW Report

WaPo writer: When I met Islamic State fighters, I couldn’t hate them



Imagine the Washington Post publishing an article in 1943: “Nazi Germany sent my best friend to Dachau. But when I met its fighters, I couldn’t hate them.” How have these people lost all moral compass, or worse, decided it best to side with America’s enemies?

“The Islamic State commits despicable acts of cruelty, but the men who carry out these crimes are not the two-dimensional caricatures they’re painted to be. They are human beings, many indoctrinated at the most impressionable age and coerced into service.” Of course they are. And no one, actually, should be hated. But to write a piece like this is to equivocate on the moral evils these men commit every day.

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19 Comments on WaPo writer: When I met Islamic State fighters, I couldn’t hate them

  1. I don’t hate them, either … but that wouldn’t stop me from killing each and every one of them.

    They are a curse on humanity.
    Satan’s servants.
    The Demonrat’s shock troops.

  2. What Solomon Rushdie called “the but brigade “. As in ‘these people commit horrible acts BUT…’ anyone that would write such a peice should have “ISIS Apologist” tattooed to their foreheads so people will know who they are while in polite society settings.

  3. Of course, I don’t care WHY these despicable Sand Chiggers are committing their horrendous acts of chopping off heads, raping, and selling slaves – I just know that they ARE, and stopping the acts by killing them would be the most prudent method possible.

    (What American Indian Wars general said, “Nits make lice”)

  4. I don’t hate the bacteria on some door handle in a public place either, but I kill as many of them as I can.
    The same applies to these macro-versions of the Yersinia Pestis virus. I imagine their mamas all rocked them as little babies.
    That does not mean I will let them exist anywhere I might abide.
    If I were in charge; they, and those who tolerate their presence have forfeited their future, and deserve what happens to them.

  5. Psychotic islamic ObamaSons want to torture, rape, and kill because that’s what islam is about. On the other hand, liberal imbeciles like this Washington Compost “journalist” want to cheerlead islam and coddle the psychos.
    This is a match made in heaven! Can’t we gather up all the liberal imbeciles and introduce them to all the islamic psychos? They can each supply what the other needs!

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