WaPoo Blasts Melania Trump’s Outfit After Finally Approving The First Lady’s Christmas Decorations – IOTW Report

WaPoo Blasts Melania Trump’s Outfit After Finally Approving The First Lady’s Christmas Decorations

The Federalist: The Trump-resistance Washington Post went after First Lady Melania Trump’s choice of a white coat Monday when previewing the White House Christmas decorations earlier this week.

The Post’s fashion critic, Robin Givhan laid into the first lady after briefly approving of this year’s December decorations after the paper chastised last year’s display as a “nightmare forest.”

In the piece, titled, “Melania Trump’s Christmas decorations are lovely, but that coat looks ridiculous,” Givhan writes that Trump’s outfit was “dismissive,” and “cold,” despite the white coat being the first lady’s signature look that performs in perfect harmony with this year’s theme being “The Spirit of America,” where white is a dominant color of the exhibition.

“More than a silly fashion folly, the coat is a distraction,” Givhan lambasted. “It’s a discomforting affectation taken to a ludicrous extreme. In a video that is intended to celebrate the warmth and welcoming spirit of the holiday season, that simple flourish exudes cold, dismissive aloofness.” MORE HERE

See also: First Lady Melania Trump Receives the 2019 White House Christmas Tree

A little more at White House Flickr

24 Comments on WaPoo Blasts Melania Trump’s Outfit After Finally Approving The First Lady’s Christmas Decorations

  1. Melania has brought more pure class and grace to the White house than any First Lady since Jackie Kennedy.

    And has suffered more criticism and personal attacks for it than any First Lady ever.

  2. For eight years these hack critics drooled over Mike Obama’s Drag Queen attire. Melania Trump is a classy, beautiful woman unlike that transgender FREAK, Mooochelle Obama. Robin Givhan has vagina envy.(FAG)

  3. How DARE Trump come along and make it so obvious that the fashionistas made asses of themselves kvelling for a decade over the beauty (if you don’t see it, you’re a white supremacist) bulldog-faced boob-belt-and-upholstery wearing Obama.

  4. Gorgeous!
    … and the decorations ain’t half bad either!
    All this negative criticism of the First Lady and her fashion choices is nothing more than pent up jealousy for real class and style.

  5. Gotta always keep in mind that the WaPoo is merely the personal missive of one Jeff Bezos, Hater Supreme of President Trump and his family. Why would anyone expect Bezos to say anything kind or nice about any of the Trumps or their supporters?

  6. It’s a real pleasure not to have to look at a First Lady wearing something that looks like it wuz rooted out of Cindy Laupers laundry hamper not to mention Santa wondering where the hell his big black belt disappeared to!

  7. In their eyes there’s just no comparison to the last “First Creature” The sneaker wearing Good Will refuge with the conspicuous bulge rising front it’s dress front like a submarine periscope.

  8. Remember, these fashion critics are the same experts who tried to tell us Big Mike was a real hottie decked out in clothes made from curtains and mattress pads borrowed from motels that rent by the hour.

  9. The truth is Melania Trump is everything they wished and pretended Moochelle was. And they are so jealous, angry and evil if they can’t say anything nice they just can’t keep their juvenile mouths shut.

  10. AbigailAdams

    The Post has hated America since before Jeff was born!~ I lived across the river from DC 70years ago. I read the American hate put out as “news” by the post! Or maybe my eyes and ears lied ant the hate mongers at Post were “factual”. And maybe it is really cold in Hell!


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