WaPoo to cut 240 positions as Americans turn away from corporate media – IOTW Report

WaPoo to cut 240 positions as Americans turn away from corporate media

Post Millennial: The Washington Post is reportedly cutting 240 employees in the ‘hopes of averting more difficult actions such as layoffs — a situation we are united in trying to avoid.”

An email obtained by New York Times reporter Ben Mullin states that employees will be attending a 10 am meeting on October 11 to discuss the action.  more here

10 Comments on WaPoo to cut 240 positions as Americans turn away from corporate media

  1. It seems like only yesterday that I had a lot of respect for the WaPo.

    No. No it doesn’t. It was 60 years ago when I was slogging through my neighborhood tossing 150 of the things onto peoples’ porches every morning. It paid well.

    Suck it up, Bezos.

  2. Not well steeped in newspaper parlance but isn’t cutting employees the same thing as layoffs?

    Across the pond they call it,”Making you redundant”, I learned that on The Office, the real one.

  3. Agreed Rich – it’s a layoff. However, they’re wrapping it in a ‘voluntary separation package’ to make it look pretty, and the employees being laid off are special because they’re in specific roles, so as to make it look like a benefit or something.

    Typical leftist thinking – cover a pile of shit in chocolate and call it a gourmet dessert.

  4. @Uncle Al ~ about 60 years ago, I too slogged Washington Star newspapers (the Evening edition, & the Morning edition on Tuesdays) … good pay … a buck a day

    my first job was soliciting, in the evenings, for the Baltimore Sun in the DC suburbs … about 6 of us … we’d get dropped off at a local suburb in the evenings & go door to door & try to sell subscriptions. think about it, 12–13-year-old kids, at night, going throughout the DC suburbs … Bladensburg, Riverdale, Hyattsville, Langley Park, Adelphi, Colmar Manor, Mt. Rainer, Southeast DC, Temple Hills, Forestville, Capital Heights, Landover Hills, Cheverly, etc.
    best gig was College Park w/ the Sororities at UofMd & all the Girls dorms … they teased us unmercifully w/ their teddies & nighties … & we loved every minute of it!

    we never got paid for subscription that we got (first lesson in salesmanship), but got points to get stuff like sleeping bags, jack knives, tents, bb guns, etc.

    … good times

  5. “The package will be offered to employees in specific areas or with specific titles.”
    Like “janitor,” “pool boy,” “char woman,” “coffee guy,” “step-and-fetchit,” and “foot-massage girl”
    You can bet your ass Jeff Bozo or any high muckety-mucks ain’t taking a cut.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Excellent. Very good news. Too bad they know nothing about honesty, fairness, or integrity. They are nothing more than propagandists for the commies, oops, I mean democrats. I certainly hope the New York Times is next, then ABC. You’ll know America is recovering when those fired losers are seen at burger joints carrying cardboard to recycle bins.


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