War in the Shadows – IOTW Report

War in the Shadows

The Unconventional Warfare Shaping America’s Future.

Jellyfish News: In the modern era, warfare has evolved beyond the conventional battlefields of the past, embracing a more insidious form of conflict that infiltrates every aspect of society. This article delves into the multifaceted arena of unconventional warfare, highlighting how these covert operations are not just a challenge to America’s security but a strategic maneuver aimed not only at undermining its very foundation but also at ultimately toppling the government.

8 Comments on War in the Shadows

  1. Just now on CNN
    I have never seen anything like it
    A General just broke down and went nuts on CNN
    It was insane
    THEY want that ukraine money sooooooo bad
    Not kidding on how f’ng crazy it was

    oh also
    at the same time
    Evelyn Farkus (yes that one from DOD Ukraine Funding)
    Was doing the hard push on msNBC

    Y C N M T S U P

    ps: The Generals name was Zwack
    No Shit
    And it was WHACK!


  2. The problem is that our own government has been utilizing most of these tactics against a segment of US citizens that it views as the enemy.

    They have lied to us, spied on us, used “lawfare” against us, infiltrated our churches and places of business, and is conspiring to infringe on every civil liberty this country stands for.

    At this point, foreign adversaries are the least of our problems.

  3. And what are the odds we will actually have an election? In my mind, not good. You have a lot of people scared to death of a Trump presidency because they know they’ll be prosecuted. And then you have people or regimes like described in this article that are not willing to give up the ground they’ve taken. Couple all that with the WEF whack jobs and the U.N. and holy shit. These people all have a common goal and they will eventually combine efforts if the have not already done so. And the only thing that keeps them up at night is our second amendment.
    WRSA is doing a pretty good job of covering these efforts.

  4. ^^^ Brad MONDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 2024, 13:38 AT 1:38 PM Commiefornia pushing bill to make insurance companies tell state how many guns you have. Or you have to self report. They’re coming for the guns.

  5. Brad @1338

    Trump prosecute? Like the old joke goes: “…and the Devel asked God, where are you going to find a lawyer?”

    or prosecutor, or judge, or seemingly a jury.

  6. ^^^^
    That is incorrect. They’re getting ready to sign a Bill that will force you to tell the insurance companies what guns you own if they ask. The state of California already knows what guns I have in my safes. Except for the ones I acquired before registration was mandated. Un registered guns drive these libtards over the edge. I think they believe they can just come get them anytime they want.


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