War On Air Conditioning – IOTW Report

War On Air Conditioning

Climate Elitists Wage War On Air Conditioning.

18 Comments on War On Air Conditioning

  1. I thought Freon was banned because it causes globull warming and a hole in the ozone layer. They’d also like to ban any stray free thought as well that doesn’t agree with everything they say. And if they ban air conditioning for the po folks they’ll never ban it for themselves. HYPOCRITES!

  2. The clown doesn’t appear to have even the basic physics of air conditioning understood. A/C doesn’t eliminate heat it transfers it from a contained space to the outdoors.
    It’s very hard to take these enviro frauds seriously. Show me one that shows up in a studio dressed in a woven grass outfit having just shaved with a clam shell and carrying a club for fetching his food.

  3. It’s sooooo hard to listen to the holier-than-thou attitudes of these leftard science deniers (laughingly called environmentalists) interruptions and smug irrational croaking.
    I’ll believe there’s a problem when they start acting like there’s one and the evidence supports their pontificating bloviation and that’s not even close to happening yet.

  4. I grew up in Southeast Texas along the Gulf Coast. I was a senior in high school when my dad decided to put central air conditioning in our house. That first night I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I’m not going back, period!

  5. The Mr. is dying in a hospital bed in our living room and he’s always hot and sweating. The air is on the lowest it will go, 24/7. Plus fans. Just try and make me turn it off and I will kill you.


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