War Whore Victoria Nuland Admits The US Blocked a Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal – IOTW Report

War Whore Victoria Nuland Admits The US Blocked a Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal

National Pulse

Anti-Russia warmonger and recent Biden-Harris official Victoria Nuland has admitted that Ukraine and Russia were approaching a peace deal in 2022 but that the United States blocked the deal, claiming it was unfair to Ukraine.

Nuland was questioned about claims first reported by Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, suggesting that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had encouraged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to reject a potential peace deal with Moscow in 2022. more

28 Comments on War Whore Victoria Nuland Admits The US Blocked a Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal

  1. I’ve come to the realization that we are the baddies. The deep state has been destroying the world as well as our country. Nobody is going to help us so WE are the ones that need to clean up this mess.
    The left, Rino’s and alphabet agencies are the one’s that need to be cleaned up.

  2. Deep State lackey for decades. Worked for W, Lurch, Barky, Hillary, Biden…all on a B.A. in History from Brown.

    The places you’ll go,
    If their line you will toe,
    The places you’ll take us,
    In order to break us.

  3. Geni, I saw that video on today’s American Thinker. Donald Trump is a humble and great man for reaching out to that little 8-year-old disabled boy and his family like that. Biden/Harris/Walz etc. would never do that and would’ve wished for that little boy created in God’s image to have been aborted. By their fruit’s you will know them, Trump bears good fruit, the democraps bear nothing but dead and rotten fruit every time.

  4. geoff- remember that old troll Helen Thomas from the White House press corps who wanted the Jews “to get the Hell out of Palestine”?

    I always thought she looked like Helen Black…
    and Helen Green, Helen White, Helen Searsucker, etc

  5. Geoff, I used to be a regular viewer of the Jeopardy game show . ABC’S National Newscast was the lead-in and their last segment was called “America Strong” , usually an uplifting story or two. This would be a good choice for that but never in a million years would pretty boy David Muir allow a positive Trump story . It was insulting to all Trump supporters that Trump had to mention his almost assassination at the debate and Muir decided that other topics were more important . Shame on him!!


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