Warmongering Risks GOP Gains this November – IOTW Report

Warmongering Risks GOP Gains this November

American Thinker:

By J. Robert Smith

This past Sunday, we were given indications of two possible November midterm election outcomes for Republicans.  They came on Maria Bartiromo’s “Sunday Morning Futures” program.  It featured Stephen Miller, who served as a top advisor to former president Trump, and Senator Lindsey Graham, an erstwhile ally of Trump’s.      

Miller’s remarks provided a sensible approach in the hope of ceasing the Ukraine conflict.  Graham’s remarks were a continuation of his unremitting bellicosity about the war.  Whichever perspective prevails before November will have a bearing on how voters see GOP candidates and cast their ballots. 

Miller’s perspective is definitely more attuned to the American people’s sensibilities.  Polling since January consistently shows that Americans don’t want the U.S. military in Ukraine.  Graham’s constant banging of war drums risks alienating voters who are focused on the nation’s profound domestic troubles and are ready to throw out Democrats, wholesale. 

In Miller’s reckoning, hostilities need to end in Ukraine.  That’s achieved through a negotiated settlement.  A settlement won’t lay to rest every grievance — Russian or Ukrainian — but opens the door to further diplomacy and dialogue.  read more h/t NAAC

19 Comments on Warmongering Risks GOP Gains this November

  1. Seriously!?

    What Americans (not “Americans”) do NOT want The United States’ military in Ukraine? Every American (not “American”) I know, wants them to line up in front of Russian tanks. Like Tienanmen Square patriots.

  2. Smith is RIGHT! The GOPe is showing. to anyone that cares that they are actually Democrats with no morals, scruples nor ethics. Why would an American lover vote for them? I never have, AFTER 1988!

    Mis quoting Yogi (a great catcher for those <70) "it will be '12 all over again!"!

  3. Queer boy wants a war and wants Putin executed then he should take his queer ass to Russia and do it.

    We’d have a lot fewer beating war drums if any war they had to park their ass in the country they want to go to war with.

  4. Oh and calling for assassinating world leaders or carrying out assassinations can be a two way street. His dumbass needs to think about that and not all leaders are as stupid as him, they’d just do it not talk about it.

  5. @Old Racist White Woman

    Here is a scenario worthy of a Bruce Willis movie: Some US Deep State operatives assassinate Biden and then the US gov’t and media blame it on Putin.

    Think of the drama unfolding! More drama than the assassination of Caesar, Lincoln, and JFK combined

  6. Why would you want to make war on a guy that was just put up for the Nobel Prize for medicine for eradicating Covid?

    https: //www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/putin-nominated-for-nobel-prize-in-medicine-for-eradicating-covid-19/ar-AAV9zEQ

    [remove the space]

  7. All the conservative pundits keep touting how the GOP is going to slaughter the Dems in the next election. Yeah, normally, I’d agree – but then I remember the 2020 election and instantly I have doubts. Plus, stupid Shawn Hannity with his “Tick, tick, tick” keeps coming to mind. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still go out and vote – but I more and more feel like it’s a useless gesture. All this shizzle is theater to try to appease us dumb gun-totin’ conservative folk, but the fix is in. Sure, they may give us a victory here and there – but THE ELITE WILL DO WHAT THEY WANT. Sorry to be a downer, but I’m not seeing too many rays of hope these days, and I am pissed at dicks like Hannity who lead us on and give us hope that the guilty will be held accountable – when the NEVER ARE.

  8. Appreciate it Lance. Just so frustrating to know these idiots are playing us, mainly because we’ve been brought up to believe the government is fair and on our side. Something has to give.

  9. Little Miss Lindsey was a JAG officer…..
    a Military lawyer. Really…..Little Miss Lindsey…..you were awarded a Bronze Star…????

    The Bronze Star Medal (BSM) is a United States Armed Forces decoration awarded to members of the United States Armed Forces for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.

    I’d love to read the citation.

  10. @Aunt Liz March 16, 2022 at 8:12 pm

    > mainly because we’ve been brought up to believe the government is fair and on our side

    We were also “made” to believe that Santa Claus is real, and homosexuals are just like everybody else.

    At what point do we stop apologizing for why we were lied to?

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