Warnock Scandals May Be Ramping Up With Talk of a Subpoena – IOTW Report

Warnock Scandals May Be Ramping Up With Talk of a Subpoena

RedState: I see a lot of blame-throwing going on now even though we appear to have won the House and may yet win the Senate. We need to concentrate on ensuring the wins we can now, as well as winning the run-off in Georgia on Dec. 6 that might decide control of the Senate. The Democrats are going to throw everything against the wall to take down Herschel Walker. We cannot be divided going into the race if we want to win — everyone from all sides has to come out in force.

One of the issues we need to hammer home is not just that Raphael Warnock is a bad senator who has gone along with every bad policy of Joe Biden that has made everything worse, he’s also involved in a swirling scandal surrounding his church, evictions, and ongoing investigations.

Herschel Walker nailed Warnock in a lie about those evictions during their debate. Warnock lied and said they hadn’t evicted anyone during the pandemic when in fact they had. Additionally, he had been chastising Republicans for not being in favor of an eviction moratorium during the pandemic when the Foundation he was an officer in was running a building evicting people. The scandal about the evictions helped Walker to close the gap with Warnock before the election.

The State of Georgia has been investigating the Ebenezer Building Foundation’s charity registration. The Foundation is owned by the Ebenezer Baptist Church. On Oct. 12, the Secretary of State’s office demanded answers about the Foundation’s registration by Nov. 2. But they blew off the state and failed to respond. Now the state may consider dropping a subpoena on them. more

8 Comments on Warnock Scandals May Be Ramping Up With Talk of a Subpoena

  1. Now if we can just get Bitch McConnell and the GOP to go all in for Hershel Walker, we could win. But that’s a big if. And will the investigations reveal anything new about Warnock and his phony church before the election, and will it matter to the LoFo voters?

  2. Most likely whatever he would be “supposedly” subpoena for would happen after the runoff election.
    This one will pull out the big guns/money from the top players.
    Even if by chance the best the GOP could end up is a tie in the Senate. Herschel was caught not telling the truth too, the abortions he paid for.

  3. Did anybody see Dave Chappell on Saturday Night Live?

    Dave is a very bright guy, and naturally very funny. But if you listen to the monologue, you realize how ignorant he actually is. No different than any other Hollywood idiot, but I had higher hopes for Dave. Remember: always best to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and prove it.


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