Warnock: U.S. Senators ‘Gangsters and Thugs’ Who Aimed to ‘Kill Children’ – IOTW Report

Warnock: U.S. Senators ‘Gangsters and Thugs’ Who Aimed to ‘Kill Children’


Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock described members of the U.S. Senate as “gangsters and thugs” whose votes for a 2017 tax cut exposed their willingness to “kill children.”

The remarks, which have not previously been reported, may provide another opening for Warnock’s Republican opponent, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who has worked to portray him as a “radical liberal.” Warnock, a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, has come under fire for other controversial statements, including his praise for Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “God Damn America” speech, his condemnation of Israel, which he likened to apartheid South Africa, and his claim that “America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness.”

In the December 2017 sermon, Warnock slammed members of the Senate for passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The tax reform legislation—which reduced tax liability for low- and middle-class Americans last year, according to IRS data—was approved by Congress in December 2017 without a single Democratic vote. read more

9 Comments on Warnock: U.S. Senators ‘Gangsters and Thugs’ Who Aimed to ‘Kill Children’

  1. Right now the polls that leftist WSB radio is touting say Perdue is leading Ossoff 49-48 , and the same number for Loeffler/Warnock. I assure y’all those numbers are patent bullshit, and those are suppression polls, just like before 11/3. Only massive fraud will deliver either seat to the Democrats.

    I curse a blue streak every waking hour at my GUTLESS, CRIMINAL GEORGIA GOP LEADERSHIP that we are even entertaining the notion of either one of those Democrat low-lifes ascending to the Senate. Damn them all back to the shit-holes they crawled out of, and forgive me,Lord, for my appalling lack of reticence.

  2. I think he was talking about his racist inner city ghetto friends shooting at each other over their turf wars.
    But then it’s always whitey’s fault with these race hustlers.

  3. @ Thirdtwin – Whatfinger has a story linked saying that our SoS (rats-in-burger) is supposed to receive some sort of award from dems and he is switching parties after the senate runoff election because GA republican voters have been mean to him.


    I really think Kemp and him are very dirty with Dominion Voting Systems / Chinese / Soros money in this whole deal. I don’t think he was so stupid as to be played by Tank Abrams by agreeing to an obviously one-sided (for dems) consent decree to not check signatures on mail in ballots. I think she had the goods on them and he agreed in order to keep himself and Kemp from being exposed. I hope Lin Woods isn’t just blowing smoke when he says they are going to jail.

  4. Well, Congress is full of “gangsters and thugs” but my opinion is not based on them cutting taxes……. and what do taxes have to do with the lives of childre…….. oh! never mind..

  5. Ebenezer Baptist Church has gone from MLK to this godless jackass. They should be ashamed but won’t because their consciences were all seared years ago when they gave into the Social Gospel/LBJ Great Society malarkey which has transmogrified into the BLM/hate whitey movement.


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