Warren fans make the case against a woman President – IOTW Report

Warren fans make the case against a woman President

Patriot Retort:

[…] Warren couldn’t handle losing on Super Tuesday. She went into hiding for almost two days for crap’s sake.  Does that sound like something a President would do? READ MORE

10 Comments on Warren fans make the case against a woman President

  1. (Politicooze Extraordinaire Amber Tamblyn quoted by Dianny):

    To the people who fought for Elizabeth Warren, most especially the women and young girls out there, a reminder: You owe no one anything right now. Allow yourself the space to grieve, and be angry, and be numb. Take the time. Take all of it that you need.

    Take more than you need, just to be sure. Take a year! At least take until mid-November.

  2. All the whining about misogyny and the patriarchy pooh-poohing the very idea of a female U.S. President makes me think of the new-ish socialist/social Marxist “theory” of intersectionality. Specifically, the intersectionality of teledildonics and C-4.

  3. The press give Trump no peace & no “break” from the constant critisism.
    The business of America gives him no break.
    China, Russia, Iran, give him no break.
    COVID19 is not giving him a break!

    This fake delusional scold of a woman hid for 2 days, couldn’t pick who to endorse and went into hiding only to appear on Saturday Night Live and be a victim.

    Way to show that inner strength Gray Beave!

    I have 2 words for her and Hillary:


  4. The first black president
    The first female president
    should have been
    Condoleezza Rice
    who actually is intelligent

    Incredibly Intelligent

    And loves our country.

  5. Almost as bad as the flood of tears from the people, mostly female but with a fair number of faggoty-boys at the Javits center in NY after Hellary lost in Nov. 2016.

    It’s a pitiful display of emotion. But it is the liberal way: expose your inner self, your emotions are completely legitimate, let other people know your feelings, and above all, whine, weep, and pull your hair when you don’t get your way.


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