“Warren Is Authentic!” Said No One…Ever – IOTW Report

“Warren Is Authentic!” Said No One…Ever

Here’s The Video To Prove It-

Liz memorized one speech and is using it in every interview.

9 Comments on “Warren Is Authentic!” Said No One…Ever

  1. I have to give her credit, to memorize it for two different interviews and even keep the pacing is pretty impressive, although not at all genuine.

    Remember this one, “Obama knows EXACTLY what he is doing!” –Marco Rubio.

    Everyone is trained to stay on script, not really a big deal, she proved herself fraudulent so many dozens of times previously, we don’t really need any further evidence.

  2. it just dawned on me who Lizzie reminds me of
    … Mrs. Voorhees on ‘Friday The 13th’

    “kill her mommy … kill her!”

    take a minute & think about it … it’s her … definitely

  3. Politics, is a place where all frauds, egomaniacs, hustlers, swindlers, and every other imaginable type of depraved social outcast can make something of themselves.
    Liz Warren is one of the few who has risen to near the top of this putrid heap.
    That makes her an exceptional low down scumbag. Congrats Liz!!


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