Was Brenda Lawrence presented with a quid pro quo? – IOTW Report

Was Brenda Lawrence presented with a quid pro quo?

Patriot Retort:

It made big news the other day when Detroit-area Democrat Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence said that she was not in favor of impeaching the President over the piss-poor testimony from Adam Schiff’s shampeachment hearings.  Instead, she believed the House should vote to censure President Trump.

It’s one thing if Democrats from swing districts voice reservations.  But Brenda Lawrence is from a solidly safe Democrat seat.  And for her to doubt the party line was a big deal.

But Brenda’s moment off the plantation was brief.

As quickly as day turns to night, Brenda Lawrence backtracked and once again began singing from the Shampeachment hymnal.

Gosh. I wonder what happened?

Could it be that Nancy and Adam presented Brenda Lawrence with a quid pro quo? read more

2 Comments on Was Brenda Lawrence presented with a quid pro quo?

  1. Every single congressperson, who allows the schift show to march on, without a word, is complicit with and a member of the lawless, unethical, grifting, thoroughly corrupt, elitist cabal, who call themselves congresspersons.

    Soon, the definition of congressperson will be quid quo pro 👹.


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