Was he eating his pen? – IOTW Report

Was he eating his pen?

Or picking his teeth with it?

When you show up for work but you’re really not there…

24 Comments on Was he eating his pen?

  1. Tried to stop from Coughing, tried to stop from vomiting in his mouth, tried to hold the vomit in his mouth, washed the vomit back down with water, thought to himself…boy I bet they’ll never guess what I just did.

  2. Brad
    JUNE 18, 2022 AT 12:09 PM
    Feel good video of the day. The retard hits the ground.”

    …I liked it, but would have been better if he never got up again, or at least if someone “accidentally” kicked him in the face while “rushing over to help”…

  3. Different Tim
    JUNE 18, 2022 AT 12:12 PM
    “It’s the frikken Special Olympics of politics.”

    …althogh I do have one small problem with this assessment.

    Special Olympians work very, ver hard to overcome their challenges to do the best they can possibly do, pushing themselves into a personal best with absolutely ferocious concentration. Whatever the handicap, they strive to be the best they can be.

    Pedo Biden never worked at a single damn thing in his entire useless life and certainly never tried to better himself (because he’s convinced he’s perfect) or strove to overcome any challenge other than holding onto his grandchildren while he rapes them.

    Other than that, it’s as apt a description as I’ve ever seen of the Administration Of Incompetence. Whoever put them there to distract us from our own destruction did one hell of a job.

  4. Wild Bill, I had the same thought about listening to john effin kerry’s voice drone on more bullshit about globull warming, it would make me want to eat a pen as well or jam it into my ear so I wouldn’t have to listen the traitor speak about globull warming. I quit the video as soon as I heard kerry’s voice.

  5. It’s very close to JFK’s reaction after the first shot went in his back and came out of his lower throat.

    A second or two later, the head shot.

    Is Biden practicing?


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