Was Hunter Biden acting out? – IOTW Report

Was Hunter Biden acting out?

American Thinker-

Is Hunter Biden to be pitied?  Does he deserve our sympathy?  Normally, I would dismiss such a thought as absurd except that is it being offered by no less than the Master of Insights, Rush Limbaugh.

Here’s Rush’s argument, beginning by first informing his audience he is not going soft.  Then he gets to the meat of his argument.

We don’t know the Biden family dynamics. We don’t know if Hunter had begged to get out of these arrangements. He’s got Burisma over in the Ukraine. He’s being paid mountains of money for things he’s not qualified for. He’s got this arrangement in China with the same thing. So he takes this computer with all his data on it, all this incriminating data, and leaves it at a computer repair shop and signs off on the fact that if he doesn’t pick it up in 45 days he loses possession of it. So my point is that I think exactly what happened is what Hunter wanted to happen. 

Rush thinks Hunter is a “lost soul” who is desperate.  He can see the younger Biden feeling that all these corrupt entanglements he was involved in weren’t going to end well for him.  So consciously, or perhaps unconsciously, he deliberately left his laptop to be found.  And found it was, as it has been in the hands of the FBI since December.  Rush wonders, “Could this have been a way of turning on his father without actually turning on him?  I know this guy, Joe Biden, has a very volcanic temper.” more

29 Comments on Was Hunter Biden acting out?

  1. Ockam’s Razor
    The simple truth is that Bidens are arrogant, evil and depraved.
    They are stupid to think they are smarter than others because they have abused the trust of others. Thus they don’t fear God. (By hiding behind his ‘faith’, Joe has mocked God.)
    Don’t give them human qualities, it takes psychopathy to look others in the eye and steal and LIE.

  2. No. He forgot about it. Couldn’t find the receipt. Didn’t know where he dropped it off in Wilmington. He was that strung out. He’s been screwing up like this all his adult life. His older brother was the one the father was keeping pristine for a political future. Humper was the one who was doing the deals, because he wasn’t ever going to run for public office. If Humper got caught it was easy to blame his problems on drug addiction, which is exactly what Dementia Joe did in the first debate.

  3. Forgiveness is not due to the unrepentant.
    Thieving Joe is running for President! (I still can’t believe that’s real)
    The Bidens’ greed has no limit. Because Hunter fouled the next generation (the niece), attributing a conscience to him is not warranted.

  4. Part of Rush’s theme was keeping the focus on Joe. Old Joe is trying to push it off on his son. “I don’t know anything about my son’s dealings”. Hunter may want out of this and to see the old man catch the hell.

  5. Hunter always lived in Beau’s shadow. Beau was the “apple” of Joe’s eye; he could do no wrong. Beau was smarter, better looking, more successful (both civilian and military), had a beautiful wife and family. Knowing Joe, there was surely a lot of “why can’t you be more like your brother”. This explains the drug addiction, faild military “career”, banging his sister-in-law and the desperate need to impress “the Big Guy”. He was raised in a disfunctional crime family, where Joe thought it was perfectly normal to prance around nude in front of anyone and everyone. So Hunter can be explained, but so can Hillary and Charles Manson, and I have just about as much sympathy.

  6. Hunter may have just wanted the laptop, with all its baggage, quietly out of his life.
    He probably never imagined the contents would actually be opened and widely advertised.
    That was just an unfortunate situation for him, drawing the unwanted spotlight on him.

  7. …The second sons, the ones referred to as “Junkers” by the Germans prior to WWII, are always the problem in hereditary dynasties. The political and finanical inheritence is set to fall on the elder son who is groomed to be the scion, leaving the younger son at loose ends, lurking enviously in the shadow of the elder. Earlier promininet families would give them colonies in Central and South America to squeeze for their keep, which is why most of the New World South of the Rio Grande is a shithole to this day because they did exactly that. Other than that, they would usually be given commmands they had no training or talent for and would wage war for loot, glory, or both, which is how they would make a name and get paid. We’re a little short on open wars now and Biden the Younger snorted himself out of an absolutely free, no-work commission anyway, so the Big Guy sent him out to the the family collector in a string of foreign influence peddling deals, which is all he was useful for, and all he was intended to do as Beau was supposed to be The Chosen One. Well, he screwed the whole dynamic up by dying, leaving Joe to have to circle back to the forgotten, unloved son. It is hard to imagine Joe as much of a loving father, and I think it’s as much a sign of his fixation on his elder son at the expense of the younger, as much as his progressive senility, that causes him to respond to any reference to his “son” as being about Beau, because it’s been YEARS, if EVER, since he thought of Hunter in those terms.

    …so cast off, unloved, untrained, uncultivated, Hunter retired into a life of dissolute hedonism in which he was supposed to STAY, insulated from any real responsibiility by his elder brother driving the boat for Dad and covered by a frenetically dedicated to Democrat protection press corps, he would sometimes show up when told and put on a show to the extent the drugs would let him, but mostly he was just blasted off to the side like a drunken Jehan Frollo in the streets of Paris left snoring on a stone pillow by a booze-bleared Phoebus of the Press from the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

    Then his brother died, so he had to step up to the title of “heir”, which he was massively unqualified to do. After 40 years of sleeping in his own filth, he was certainly qualified to be a Democrat voter, but as far as an heir of a First Family, he was woefully lacking in the abilty to shift the focus away from his befouled self onto political rivals as his venial Daddy had trained only Beau to do.

    Then The Big Guy decided that the ONLY way to continue to cover for the crimes of himself and his associates could ONLY be deflected by a Presidental run, which made it MUCH harder for the Press to keep the light off his wastrel Junker, given that he had set himself in opposition to one who was NOT in the Pact of Omerta with the rest of his peers AND putative rivals, so his Gollum was finally revealed in the harsh light of a thousand blogs with it being far too late to instruct him on how to deflect the light, and so here we are today.

    Hunter was indeed cast aside and given little thought or love that can be discerned through the very incomplete view provided by publicly availabe recordings, but this does not make him worthy of pity. Hunter as a child may have been pitiable, but Hunter the Man made his own choices, and he CHOSE to steal, he CHOSE to lie, he CHOSE to accept bribes for his Daddy, he CHOSE to keep himself in a drug-induced haze, and – worst of all – he CHOSE to abuse children, possibly even his own NIECE, even as he dated his brother’s wife in a vain attempt to take over his brother’s life entire, and probably then used her as a stepping stone to assault her daugher when he proved inadequate to be with his brother’s woman, as he proved inadequate to everything ELSE in life.

    The pedophile typically does what he does because he is seeking a power over a person he can’t achieve with an adult, so he will go to a child because he can dominate a child both physically and mentally, which is usually concluded with rape because that is the ultimate expression of power and dominance, but the thrill for them is in the ownership as much as the rape itself, and so it would serve the displayed phycology of Hunter’s thwarted efforts to be the domineering man that his father is, and brother was groomed for, but that he himself is totally incapable of. Given this, it is not unreasonable at all to think that he may well be an incestuous pedophile, and probably with his demented, psychotic father’s blessing to boot.

    Hunter Biden the adult was in full control of his choices.

    He chose this evil.

    None of the rest of his crimes really matter.

    If indeed a child abuser, he is worthy of no pity, and no mercy.

    He is worthy of nothing but death, because it’s the only thing that stops them.

    Do not waste pity on the devil, for he is reprobate.

    Pity his victims instead.

    …and try not to BE one, this November, and ALWAYS, for evil will ALWAYS try again…

  8. My conjecture is that Pedo was abusing his own daughter and his first wife was intent on suicide and taking her children with her to stop the abuse.

    Knowing full well that the abuse would never end otherwise. the boys lived and Hunter devolved into the drug abusing crap weasel that will eventually revenge himself on the monster that is his father.

  9. “Hunter may have just wanted the laptop, with all its baggage, quietly out of his life.”

    He may have been so drunk and spun that he just didn’t remember what he did with it, and then when he realized he had child porn on it and then he didn’t want to try to find and claim it to draw the law down on him.

  10. I tend to agree with Rush. H is not to be pitied in any way because he did indeed make those choices, but he knew what was on those laptops when he left them at the Mac shop. NOBODY would would risk discovery of that material unless there was intent, even if it was sub-conscience.

    If one article I read was accurate, the shop owner tried multiple times to contact H to come pick up his equipment. So you can’t blame it on drug and alcohol memory loss. Biden knew what he was doing when he took those laptops to the shop.

  11. …So my point is that I think exactly what happened is what Hunter wanted to happen…”

    Hunter dropped off the laptop in April, 2019, the same month Joe officially entered the race. That’s a helluva coincidence. Joe declared on April 25th, 2019. Anybody know the exact day that Hunter dropped off the laptops? I’m guessing April 26th. No, make that April 27th. 26th was a Sunday.

  12. Maybe he did it as a passive aggressive thing. But you know what? He’s a biden. Nothing ever happens to them (criminally) so whether he did it purposely or he was high and didn’t remember, he knows nothing’s going to happen to him. But if he really wanted to get back at Big Guy, he would have sent that laptop to his father’s enemies and then took himself to rehab in outer Mongolia and never be heard from for the next 15 years.

    Also, I’m pretty sure hunter has more than one laptop, more than one phone and more than one tablet. The question is, who is going to be the one to write a search warrant? A search warrant that should have been done the second they saw kiddie porn’ish stuff on the laptop.

    My thought is this:
    He was high and fucked up.

  13. I wouldn’t know if this is the issue in Hunters case, but I do agree with Rush that whether consciously or not some people who are struggling with the stress or morality of a situation allow themselves to be found out in order to be free from the situation. Addiction in any form is an common trigger for this effect as coming clean may be the only way to overcome it. No amount of money is worth a clean conscience! It is the greatest freedom anyone could want. If Hunter wants to be free he should tell all and not worry about the consequences.let the chips fall where the may as they say. People are compassionate and understanding and would help him restore his life.

  14. “So my point is that I think exactly what happened is what Hunter wanted to happen.”

    I said this from the very beginning, that Hunter did this on purpose. I don’t think Humper is that careless – I think he had a Daddy Dearest moment, perhaps his ex was going to turn Humper in for child porn and incest. Thus the Humper email to his father discussing what Beau’s ex did to him and his therapist. Daddy probably had some strong words for Humper and maybe even threats of withholding $$$$. Humper is soon to be history, and all the Biden family. I can feel the screws tightening down. I wanna hear Joe say one more time as he’s imploding “C’mon man!”

    The biggest noose that’s around their gonads, is “they” don’t know what’s on the laptop other than 28,000 kiddie porn pics and videos. They’re all paranoid – delicious!

  15. Just look at those photographs! Just read Humper’s pathetic messages between himself and everyone else that have come to light! No one interested in ever going out in public would want those photographs and messages to become the subject of discussion or gossip. The man is toast. He has brought down his entire family and possibly the political party his father has been a big part of for fifty years. Humper is a disgrace. A dead man walking. He’s facing years of Congressional Investigations and years of Court Proceedings. Possibly prison time. No, he just screwed up again.

  16. Assisting a Traitor (even if it is your father) and sex with minors are not forgivable crimes.
    Too many Americans have bought in to the “victim” plea. No more excuses, it’s time to pay for their crimes. In this case the death penalty is in order for conspiracy to commit Treason.

  17. I’ve heard Rudy saying essentially the same thing and I actually think it’s a brilliant strategy to get Hunter to flip on his family. He’s already severely impaired, and we know he resents his father just based on some of the things he’s messaged to his sister. Hunter is being given a way out and who knows– he just might take it.

  18. I don’t really care very much if at all, about ‘why’ hunter didn’t pick up his laptop. He’s an addict. His brain has been re-wired by the drugs he has and probably does, consume. No one else told him to live the life he did. He doesn’t, and can’t, think like a normal person. He made his choices, just as everyone else gets to do.
    He made his bed, and now he needs to lie in it.
    As joe lies about the bed that he wants to keep hunter and himself out of.
    They can lie in that bed together. They’re both trash.
    And we have wray and barr to comfort us. They probably look at the clock a lot, I bet.
    Our judicial system is corrupt.

  19. When you Plow you widowed sister in law and cheat on her with a stripper whom you get pregnant and try to cast aside, you are not making a call for help.

    When you talk/video to a 14 year old female relative with your junk out, you are not subconsciously rebelling.

    When you return cars with drug paraphernalia after a weekend bender and loose a laptop at a repair shop you are an incompetent brain dead brat whose sole purpose is to knowingly facilitate your father’s decades of corruption, you deserve no sympathy nor freedom from jail.

    Rush is wrong on this one. Hunter is a special king of scumbag and his type is toxic to everyone around him.

  20. I agree, not even counting the criminal activity against the American people and our country. I have zero sympathy for any member of the biden family. NO excuses at all for both of them molesting children. Anyone who votes for biden in my mind goes along with what he has done against women and children. I already told someone off about this. And I will do it again if anyone tells me they voted for that scum. Prison for the rest of their miserable lives.

  21. Mr. Anth Ropy Hunter may have just wanted the laptop, with all its baggage, quietly out of his life.
    He probably never imagined the contents would actually be opened and widely advertised.
    I think you are right but possibly for the wrong reason he may have dropped the laptop off to hide them from his baby mama’s lawyer. remember the paternity suite? what if baby mama’s lawyer subpoenaed them? by giving them to a computer repair shop he could claim he didn’t have them and a search for them would turn up nothing except maybe a receipt which is easy to hide.


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