Was Joe Biden sneaking around on his first wife before the car crash? – IOTW Report

Was Joe Biden sneaking around on his first wife before the car crash?

American Thinker:

Ordinarily, most of us wouldn’t care too much about a political leader’s love life. After all, President Trump is a stellar president but his personal life hasn’t been perfect. Big deal. Trump’s never brought it up to win votes out on the campaign trail.

Joe Biden’s different. He’s using the occasion of his previous wife, Neilia Hunter Biden’s death in a car crash along with that of his baby daughter tell us how compassionate he is, in a bid to reap political hay.

Michelle Obama, in her Democratic convention speech last night, brought it up, selling it to voters as proof that he’s a nice guy.

When he was a kid, Joe’s father lost his job. When he was a young senator, Joe lost his wife and his baby daughter. And when he was vice president, he lost his beloved son. So Joe knows the anguish of sitting at a table with an empty chair, which is why he gives his time so freely to grieving parents. Joe knows what it’s like to struggle, which is why he gives his personal phone number to kids overcoming a stutter of their own.

So did Rep. James Clyburn, touting the “narrative”:

As the country continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, Clyburn also commended Biden’s understanding of “profound loss, and what it takes to bounce back.” Biden’s first wife and daughter were killed in a car crash shortly after he was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, and his son, Beau, died of brain cancer in 2015.

Here’s the glurge from his adoring reporters at CNN:

Joe Biden says he contemplated suicide following the 1972 car crash that killed his wife and daughter, opening up about his personal encounters with loss in pre-released clips on Monday from an upcoming documentary.

The presumptive Democratic nominee’s life has been defined by the deaths of those close to him. Although tragedy forms a crucial part of his political outlook, Biden’s comments represent some of the most intense disclosures about his mental health struggles after the deaths of his family members.

But now an angry ex-husband has turned up to suggest that Biden’s love and compassion for his then-wife was far from certain, given that he was likely sneaking around on her and well into a love affair with his own wife Jill when the crash happened. READ MORE

15 Comments on Was Joe Biden sneaking around on his first wife before the car crash?

  1. Biden also falsely smeared the other driver as being drunk at the time of his wife’s accident. Several times over the years. The driver’s family even asked Joe to stop lying. All I can say is Biden had better stay in the basement on 9/11. Seems to be a bad karma day for Dems.

  2. dunno … that, at this point, is a leap I won’t take … until further proof is shown8
    even if he was cheating on his first wife (where there’s no proof, only speculation) when she died, I consider he had some feeling for her & his daughter … it must have been a crushing blow … at least to a normal person

    otoh, Biden has always been a calculating, pandering, immoral prostituting politician (what politician isn’t?) & it is highly possible he looked at this tragedy as most politicians would & realize an opportunity … it’s been his MO his whole life … right Chuck?

    Biden is a sleaze, so is ‘Dr.’ Jill … I totally believe her ex’s statements … it fits the pattern

    btw, Biden still owes Stevenson the bill for repairing Jill’s ‘vette, that he wrecked while hosing her, when she was Stevenson’s wife … what a total Dick

  3. His history of unscrupulous behavior is what it is. It would be entirely in character for him. That is a hell of a thing to say about a man, but my grandfather used to say: A man is only as good as his word and if his word is no good then he is no good.

  4. Thirdtwin

    The guy that was behind the wheel died before he ever got an apology from Lyen Biden. He concocted that story to garner voter sympathy. Imagine being fucked up enough to use your dead families demise for political gain. I remember an interview with the daughter of the guy that was driving the other car. Biden ruined his life. What a piece of shit.

  5. So Biden started out as an adulterous scum bag- probably snapped from the guilt when his cheated on wife and baby girl were killed- and he upgraded to child molester; Roman Polanski style.

  6. @ chuffed-beyond-words AUGUST 19, 2020 AT 12:35 AM

    “probably snapped from the guilt”

    It is more likely that I am actually Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile. If the bastard has a sincere bone in his body it is a well kept secret. Individuals like him don’t have it in them to experience guilt.

  7. An egocentric nihilist fucking around on his wife before he killed her?
    Say it ain’t so!

    They’re not IMMORAL, they’re AMORAL. Totally sociopathic.
    BOTH of em.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. What do you think…

    Even Kennedy was getting as much tail as he could & he is the person they all try to be and look like.

    I realize this will be unpopular, but Jackie O should have whacked him a few times with a frying pan the way Hillary took a few nice thick books to the side Slick Willies head.


    So that ‘Vette in Creepy Uncle Joe’s campaign video is really Jill’s from her ex-husband….?

    It look like CUJ stole a lot of things from Mr Stevenson….!

  10. @Ed357 ~ don’t know if it was the same ‘vette (got a paint job, if it was)…. here’s the ‘pull quotes’ from the article …
    “Bill Stevenson, who owned The Stone Balloon Tavern and Concert Hall, bought his wife Jill a brown Corvette as a gift. In 1974, an accident occurred when Joe Biden, who was driving the Corvette with Jill inside, backed into another motorists’ vehicle. Joe Biden initially promised to cover the cost of the accident but Bill Stevenson ended up paying the $650 bill.”


    … seems like Joe & Jill have always been big sleezeball birds-of-a-feather


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