Was Mollie Tibbetts the Victim of Mexican Machismo? – IOTW Report

Was Mollie Tibbetts the Victim of Mexican Machismo?

American Thinker:

Recently, a liberal-leaning American girl named Mollie Tibbetts, totally unaware that the norm that dictates male sexual behavior in Latin and Central American was about to cost her life, went out for an evening run.

Little did Mollie know, when approached by a 24-year-old illegal Mexican driving a black Chevy Malibu, she probably was being confronted by a cultural inclination that – much like Muslim cultures – considers women inferior to men.  Nor is it likely at the time that Mollie realized that the guy following her came from a part of the world where males satisfy sexual appetites any way they see fit.

Women either submit or, in many circumstances, die.

And so, when Mexican illegal Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, saw Tibbetts, aged 20, jogging, he did what his culture taught him to do: he “pursued her in his vehicle.”  A month later, in an Iowa cornfield, Mollie’s decaying body was found.

With the aid of a Spanish translator following his arrest, Rivera told police that after shadowing the Iowa college student in his car, he “[l]ater … parked … and started running near her.”  Apparently, in Mexico, males stalking females is considered a compliment.  Nonetheless, according to Rivera, things changed when, not flattered by the unsolicited attention, Mollie “grabbed ahold of her phone and said, ‘you need to leave me alone.  I’m going to call the police.’  And then … took off running.”

On the night of Mollie’s death, Rivera likely struggled with the frustration of rejection and the fear that the police would deport him.  So, in response, the alleged DREAMer panicked and “chased [Mollie] down.”  Let’s remember: Cristhian Bahena Rivera crossed the U.S. border illegally.  Consequently, he was not about to accept “no” as an answer from a niña from Iowa.  more

13 Comments on Was Mollie Tibbetts the Victim of Mexican Machismo?

  1. These illegals consider gringos a prey species. The women are there for the taking and the men are sheep. Given some of the young guys I’ve noticed I can see how they get that impression.

  2. At least something good came out of this:

    her brother scored some touchdowns in a football game and its his proudest moment as her brother. So, perspective.

    Dropkick me Jesus through the goalpost of life. If I score in the game immediately after my sister’s rape and stabbing death then I hope J-Dawg helps me go for the 2 pt conversion.

    No flags on the play! But if it’s an American one then I’ll take a knee for it.

  3. Google femicide in Ciudad Juárez Mexico, and if you have the time and the fortitude read Roberto Bolano’s Novel 2666. Women are not respected in significant parts of Mexican culture and, at times, seem virtually disposable. Of course they will bring their “Machismo” across the border with them. But the liberal morons talk about toxic males in our country. There is no logic in the progressive mind.


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