Was Pope Francis a Black Sabbath fan in his youth? – IOTW Report

Was Pope Francis a Black Sabbath fan in his youth?

The answer here

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11 Comments on Was Pope Francis a Black Sabbath fan in his youth?

  1. Around the mid ’70s I attended many concerts by the big acts of the time. By the mid ’80s I had collected a shoebox full of ticket stubs.
    I recall a couple of shows where Sabbath opened for Blue Oyster Cult. BOC was louder, cleaner and tighter than Sabbath by a wide margin. Sadly, the original lineup is no longer intact. Albert, Joe and Allen (RIP Allen) have been replaced by a varying array of sidemen, leaving Buck and Eric as the core. A bright spot is the addition of Ritchie Castellano, a spectacular guitarist.

    Those interested may check this clip- To save you some time I will try to start at Ritchie’s solo

    OK, I got sidetracked there. What were we talking about?

    Oh yeah… Devil Music.

  2. Well hell. If you liked that, try this on for size:
    Same song, but a whole ‘nother thing.

    And for contrast:
    Allen takes the first solo, then it’s Buck’s turn.

    This song has evolved considerably since it first appeared.

    There is a pile of BOC vids on YT, worth a look if this holds any interest for you at all. With some effort it is possible to view lots of material by this remarkable band, spanning over 4 decades. Unfortunately the live videos from the 70’s and the 80’s are of relatively poor quality and provide only a pale imitation of the impact of the live shows.
    But damn! Those shows with the original members ROCKED!!
    There are some bootlegs with decent sound.
    For instance:

    I don’t mean to hijack the thread, but I find this more interesting than the current hoopla about the Pope,
    And the possible Devil Music connection sent me off on this tangent.

    (I’ll shut up now.)

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