Was the Twitter hack an inside job? – IOTW Report

Was the Twitter hack an inside job?

Patriot Retort:

You might have heard that yesterday afternoon a Twitter hack that affected countless users – including Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Elon Musk — sent the social media giant in full-on panic mode.

The Twitter hack had these prominent accounts directing followers to send money to a Bitcoin account with the promise that it would be doubled and returned.

The Bitcoin account raked in the dough from dimwitted idiots who follow Joe Biden and Barack Obama – among others.  According to the New York Post, the Bitcoin account in question now holds over $110,000.

Not since the Nigerian email scam have so many morons fallen for such a transparently obvious con.

I find that telling, don’t you?

I mean, come on! This tweet from Biden was coherent.  That should’ve been a dead giveaway.

Plus, when has Joe ever given back to the community?  Unless you are related to Joe, you get zero return from the guy.

Silver lining?  For several hours while the folks at Twitter scrambled to correct the problem, the insufferable blue checkmark “journalists” were silenced.  Those of us unverified users enjoyed some peace and quiet for a change.

I had the mental image of Brian Stelter curled up in the corner impotently clicking the send tweet button while weeping into his plate of donuts.

Well, last night, Vice reported that this Twitter hack is looking like an inside job: MORE

7 Comments on Was the Twitter hack an inside job?

  1. I’m amazed at how many “conservative” sources are citing Vice as a source on this Twitter story. Vice? How fucking commie anti- Trump anarchistic drug-encouraging Antifa- supporting slop do you have to be to be rejected?
    Come on, already. We should TRUST Vice as a news source?
    Methinks not.

  2. Why am I not surprised that most of the accounts mentioned are on the left? That’s right, because they have barred most of the conservative accounts.
    Regardless, it shows the intelligence, or lack thereof, that they would actually believe people or companies would pay you to send them money. Obviously most of the people who contributed had to be on the left.


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