Washington: ChinaFlu Outbreak At Illegal Immigrant Facility Infects At Least 150 People – IOTW Report

Washington: ChinaFlu Outbreak At Illegal Immigrant Facility Infects At Least 150 People

Daily Caller: An outbreak at a migrant processing center in Tacoma, Washington, has infected at least 150 people, the Seattle Times reported Tuesday.

COVID-19 has infected at least 150 individuals, including seven guards and a federal health care worker,  since the outbreak at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Processing Center in Tacoma in early June, the Seattle Times reported, based on a lawyer’s account of events. The lawyer, Aaron Korthuis of Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, additionally claimed that the agency has released 570 migrants deemed high-risk of contracting COVID-19 from the facility, according to the Seattle Times. more

4 Comments on Washington: ChinaFlu Outbreak At Illegal Immigrant Facility Infects At Least 150 People

  1. 150 confirmed cases out of 1,100 illegals housed there. That’s about 14% infection rate. So if you project that to the 1.5 million illegals admitted into the country this year, that’s 210,000 infected illegals wandering around the country. Great job Pedo Joe.

  2. Watch the sky. Most are coming in on unmarked grey Air Force jets.
    It has been going on at Joint base McCord for the last month.
    I bet we have 50,000 thousand here in the NW.

  3. Send them straight to Biden for “treatment” and a hot meal and bath with his non-medical those-who-can’t do-fake it wife in attendance. Be sure to have her take out that rifle and “fire two blasts outside the house”, as per ButtWipe Biden’s previous instructions to his non-doc and pendulous wife Jill.

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