Washington D.C. to text dangerous drivers in attempt to curb spike in traffic accident deaths – IOTW Report

Washington D.C. to text dangerous drivers in attempt to curb spike in traffic accident deaths

The Washington D.C., government is sending personalized text messages to drivers with a history of traffic violations and crashes, in an attempt to reduce reckless driving and rising traffic fatalities.

15 Comments on Washington D.C. to text dangerous drivers in attempt to curb spike in traffic accident deaths

  1. About 12 or so years ago I was carpooling with a coworker and I realized we were next to a young woman I worked with driving in her car in the adjacent lane. I saw she was texting while driving. Since I was the passenger and I had her number in my phone I decided to text he a message like “I see you texting and driving. Do you know that’s illegal?”. The look on her face was priceless!

  2. Why not just fly a drone to the moving car and have it plaster double sticky sided warning bumper stickers all over the windshield?

    Semi-related classification question: Are you a traffic accident death if somebody deliberately hits you?

  3. While you’re at it, make emergency vehicle and freeway construction lights so fucking bright they blind you within 100 yards of approach.
    Oh, wait, you already do that-never mind.


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