Washington Dem Kim Schrier Backs Universal Basic Income During Congressional Debate – IOTW Report

Washington Dem Kim Schrier Backs Universal Basic Income During Congressional Debate

Breitbart: Washington Democrat candidate Kim Schrier suggested during a debate on Wednesday night that she could back a Universal Basic Income welfare system, which some analysts have suggested could cost $3.8 trillion each year.

Rep. Dino Rossi (R-WA) debated Kim Schrier on Wednesday in the competitive eighth congressional district of Washington. Schrier attacked Rossi as a supporter of Donald Trump who would fail to check his administration, while Rossi portrayed his Democratic rival as a liberal protester who supports higher taxes.

During the debate, one moderator asked both candidates what they would do to combat the potential loss of jobs from automation and artificial intelligence. Schrier said that she would support a Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Schrier admitted:

Well we’re not there yet, and I do see that as a possibly upcoming threat, you know, when we get there we can talk about things like a Universal Basic Income, but we’re not there yet, and we still need people to run those machines and to do the programming for the machinery. My eye is on that, but fortunately, we have not come to that place yet.

Rep. Rossie said he does not support a UBI to deal with potential loss of jobs, adding that a strong economy will provide plenty of opportunities for Americans to obtain gainful employment.

Rossi explained, “We need to keep the economy strong, because what ends up happening is there’s opportunities and jobs for everybody.”

One study from Bridgewater Associates discovered that doling out $12,000 a year to every American citizen would cost taxpayers $3.8 trillion per year.  more here

7 Comments on Washington Dem Kim Schrier Backs Universal Basic Income During Congressional Debate

  1. He’s not running in my district. He will be OK, but went along to get along when the King County democrat machine stole a gubernatorial election in 2004. That after conservatives ponied up the money to fight this travesty. He’s just not a fighter. Good so far on Second Ammendment though, but I wouldn’t trust him if there is a tough fight and we really need him. Kinda like Gorton was, I guess. Better than nothing.

  2. Rossi is one of the east-side (Bellevue/Kirkland) bunch.

    I have met too many of them in person at Mr Srewart’s (God rest his soul) property on Vashon and had them stand right in front of me and others and tell us one thing, then dryshave the people who supported them once in office.

    Bill Finkbeiner and what he pulled, is an excellent example of what to expect when we need them to stand firm, duplicity is a hallmark of this bunch.

  3. Liberals are terrific at spending other people’s money.

    “Here, gimme ten bucks so I can give five bucks to this poor downtrodden welfare recipient.”

    “Five bucks? What about the rest?”

    “What rest?”


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