Washington Dem socialist congressional candidate Rebecca Parson calls for breaking into empty homes – IOTW Report

Washington Dem socialist congressional candidate Rebecca Parson calls for breaking into empty homes

Washington Democratic congressional candidate Rebecca Parson has a bold idea to get Congress to pass housing legislation: have a million people break into empty houses.

Parson, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, is running to represent Washington’s 6th Congressional District. In a video ad, she outlined what she and her followers can do if she wins.

“Imagine I proposed a Housing for All Bill in Congress, Then imagine you, me, and a million of our friends took action and occupied empty houses nationwide. They couldn’t ignore us,” Parson says in the ad.

“No one has ever done anything like this,” Parson continues. “That’s why it’s going to work.”

Fox News reached out to Parson’s campaign for details of the plan, but they did not immediately respond.

On the surface, the strategy appears to amount to trespass, a misdemeanor in Washington, although state law does say that it is a defense if the property is abandoned. more here

22 Comments on Washington Dem socialist congressional candidate Rebecca Parson calls for breaking into empty homes

  1. Sooner or later they’ll advocate for breaking into homes with residents. These idiots are slowly morphing into the “Might makes Right” lawless scenario. They won’t like that a damn bit.

  2. I think something bigger is going on.
    Last week there was an article in the news here in Maine about how the state has more vacant homes than any other state.
    When you got into the article however what it was really about was that those empty homes are almost all vacation homes that are empty during winter months.

    They’re pushing to take away privately owned property just like the Communist Manifesto commands.
    Gotta have someplace to put those illegals.
    Up here they call them, “New Mainers”.
    It really rubs me the wrong way.

  3. …so, if we continue your dream scenario, what then? It’s an empty house, no furniture, power, heat, water all turned off.

    Does it get COLD in WA?

    How much poop can you store in a dry commode?

    Do you enjoy sleeping on bare hardwood floors?

    What’s to stop OTHER “homeless” people from “moving in”, too?

    Whatcha gonna eat? Drink? Its an empty box, you’re still gonna have to feed yourself, and even if there’s a stove, you got no power and no gas.

    …and this is just top level PRACTICAL problems.

    If we got into crime and mental illness in this subset, especially considering they didn’t mind BEGINNING their “residency” with a crime, the picture gets MUCH more bleak…

    (I know the answer to that one about the poop, tho. Company shut off the water to a main bathroom once and Third Worlders didn’t grok the sign. Long story short, the answer is “So much poop the toilet had to be emptied with a shovel”. Many freinds from around the world apparently have no problem pooping on nearby mounds of other people’s poop, but that’s a different story for another day…)

  4. Brad
    MAY 24, 2022 AT 2:16 PM
    “These idiots are slowly morphing into the “Might makes Right” lawless scenario. They won’t like that a damn bit.”

    …they’ll be OK with it because only THEY will be permitted to be lawless.

    The laws will still be heavily enforced on unprotected groups, i.e. “Privileged” groups, White productive Christians mostly, so THEY can shoot YOU but YOU can’t shoot BACK or the cops will come for YOU, cf. every BLM/Antifa action.

    Try to defend yourself in St. Louis or Baltimore or DC or Chicago or any liberal enclave, and you’ll see what I mean…

  5. ““No one has ever done anything like this,” Parson continues. “That’s why it’s going to work.””

    Yes, I, too, like to live by my life by dialogue ripped from old movies.

  6. The fucking niggers have got to go. You go to the store; come back to a looted home and a city government that has ordered the police to do nothing about it.

  7. SNS

    I don’t think you’re accounting for the total break down of LE and our judicial system the way I am. On our current vector Victor, the guy with the most weapons and friends wins.


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