Washington Dems Plot To Slow Down GOP Healthcare Vote – IOTW Report

Washington Dems Plot To Slow Down GOP Healthcare Vote

OAN Newsroom

Democrats in Washington D.C. are conspiring to stall the GOP’s effort to hold a vote on the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

Senate republicans have been working on the House GOP’s healthcare plan after representatives voted for the repeal bill back in May.

Democrats have been complaining because GOP senators will not allow them to be involved in redrafting the bill.

Reports say democrats are planning to slow down the process with extended speeches on the chamber floor leading up to vote.

The republicans self-imposed deadline for the repeal bill vote is set for July 4th.

15 Comments on Washington Dems Plot To Slow Down GOP Healthcare Vote

  1. Good.
    Repeal ObolaCare – no “replace.”

    The only – ONLY – time in the History of the Universe that I find myself in agreement with Schmuckles the Klown.

    REPEAL the abomination – IN ITS ENTIRETY – and then pass the stupid, corrupt shit (and accept responsibility) one piece at a time – so everyone can see the corruption and theft. The Republicrats are just as corrupt, venal, trashy, thieving, and conniving as the Demonrats – and this is the proof, if any were so dumb as to not notice.

    McConnell and Pelosi are two of a kind – just in different Houses – and in separate wings of the National/Inter-National Socialist Party.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Washington Dems Plot To Slow Down GOP Healthcare Vote”

    This is a joke right? The f#*king republicraps have had how many years to get their shit together on this issue? And once again they let us down.

  3. “…allow them to be involved in redrafting the bill.”

    What makes ANYONE think they are going to do any better with this POS. The Federal “givmewhatyougot” has NO business in this dog&pony show.

  4. Yep, both parties are sickening. We’ve given the Republicans as much power as they need to steer this country away from a commie socialist shithole and what do we get for our efforts?? Nothing but shit!

  5. What’s going on today is the best proof that politicians, excluding Trump, do not care about ‘we the people’. Their main interest is their own career/enrichment.

  6. If Congress can’t fully repeal Obamacare, then gut it, kill the taxes, remove mandates, leave only slivers of flesh clinging to dried up bones. Because if Obamacare’s not repealed or mangled beyond recognition, it will be back.
    FYI: If we get saddled with single-payer, we’ll have to accept government standards as the last word, even if it costs us our lives; our parents’ or spouses’ lives; or, God forbid, our children’s lives.

  7. The Republicans already indicated they don’t want to give up the taxes, which some of us have been saying from the beginning. Prepare to be disappointed and betrayed. Again.

  8. You’ll know it’s legit if instead of exempting themselves like ObamaCare, they’ll scream that they are the first ones who get to enroll. Ten bucks and my left nut says they exempt themselves again.

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