Washington: Local Police Back Officer Who Posed For Picture With Armed Citizens – IOTW Report

Washington: Local Police Back Officer Who Posed For Picture With Armed Citizens

Bearing Arms: Two police officer unions in Olympia, Washington are publicly backing an officer who’s under investigation after she posed with several armed citizens who were protecting a local gun store late last week. We first told you about the story over the weekend, including some incendiary language from Olympia’s mayor accusing both the officer in question and the armed citizens of being white supremacists.

In actuality, members of Washington Three Percent had gathered outside of the local gun shop after its owner requested help to prevent his store from falling victim to a burglary or looting. According to the Olympia Police Officer’s Guild, the officer in question did absolutely nothing wrong, and wasn’t supporting racism or white supremacy when posing for the picture with gun owners. more here

SNIP: Speaking of bearing arms, https://westernrifleshooters.us/ is back online at a new URL. Go say hi, and bookmark.
h/t Bad_Brad.

16 Comments on Washington: Local Police Back Officer Who Posed For Picture With Armed Citizens

  1. Txn4Evr,

    ProTip on desert temps

    Sometimes heat can make one say not bright things without thinking. You should wear a hat and shades to add a little reflection to your posts pre-strokes and place.

  2. If you study the photo carefully, you will see the group has Claymore mines, hand grenades, flame throwers, 3.5″ rocket launchers, and military style weapons. Any idiot knows when you hold up three fingers, it means ready, aim, fire! At least the mare is not reading anything into these pictures, Their bodies are concealing a tank.

  3. It sounds like the “mayor accusing both the officer in question and the armed citizens of being white supremacists” is an admission that the criminal rioters and looters are black. It proves BLM is a criminal organization.

  4. I saw a meme over at Woodsterman. The gist was if you get rid of the police who will enforce the liberal gun control agenda. A conundrum for the left.😂 Wait. Rapid Response Social Workers. That’s the ticket.😂😂

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