Washington police say drivers aren’t stopping for them – IOTW Report

Washington police say drivers aren’t stopping for them


OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — The Washington State Patrol says drivers are increasingly refusing to stop for troopers – and other law enforcement agencies also say this is becoming a common occurrence.

The Northwest News Network reports that from January 1 to May 17 of this year, the agency logged 934 failure-to-yield incidents. While the patrol didn’t track this in the past, veteran troopers say there’s been a dramatic uptick in drivers fleeing traffic stops.

“Something’s changed. People are not stopping right now,” said Sgt. Darren Wright, a WSP spokesperson with 31 years on the job. “It’s happening three to five times a shift on some nights and then a couple times a week on day shift.”

Local police departments are also seeing this behavior. The Puyallup Police Department logged 148 instances of drivers fleeing from officers from July 26, 2021 to May 18, 2022.

Asked if that represents a significant increase, Chief Scott Engle wrote in an email, “I could 1,000,000% say this is completely absolutely emphatically totally unusual.” more


10 Comments on Washington police say drivers aren’t stopping for them

  1. Candy Ass police Chief’s are reaping what they sew, with no chase policies and social worker officers.
    Back in my day the bad guys knew if they ran from us in a car or on foot we were brining an ass whipping with us.

  2. Cheaper to pay a failure to yield than the cops finding a carload of trafficked persons or a load of drugs. They know they’re not going to jail for failure to yield. Just say you were scared.

    Liberal shithole getting all they deserve.

  3. Not all towns in WA are liberal shitholes.

    The dems in this state government deserve 100% of the blame for passing idiotic no chase legislation & for not vigorously backing the cops. Any small town that’s complicit is to blame as well.

    And of course the wealthy enclaves are immune to the consequences of the idiocy going on in Olympia.


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