Washington Post columnist questioned on conflict-of-interest after disclosing son works for Biden – IOTW Report

Washington Post columnist questioned on conflict-of-interest after disclosing son works for Biden


Karen Tumulty, a columnist at the Washington Post, was scrutinized Sunday for a disclosure in her most recent column – a complimentary profile of Joe Biden’s campaign manager – that stated her adult son works for the Biden presidential campaign. 

In the third paragraph of the profile, Tumulty wrote Jennifer “O’Malley Dillon, 43, has been transforming what had been an underfinanced, undisciplined and dysfunctional Democratic primary operation into a general-election machine capable of carrying Biden through to the November election. (Disclosure: My adult son works for the Biden campaign.)”. MORE HERE

9 Comments on Washington Post columnist questioned on conflict-of-interest after disclosing son works for Biden

  1. Though her ego and ethical shortcomings numbed her from doing the obvious, the editors should have pulled her from covering the presidential campaign, and Pres. Trump. A good mother would have made the sacrifice without coercion. A loving son would not have put his mother into that situation. A typically dysfunctional progressive family.

  2. Out of all the gin joints in all the world, he had to walk into the one I write about every day.

    What a small world.

    He’s just an research assistant which is an unusual spelling for a conduit to communicate planted stories and research between the Washington Post and the campaign.

    Me writing a favorable profile of my son’s bosses? Hazard of the trade. Because, let me tell you, the Biden juggernaut runs on ideas and moxie. What was once a meandering, last man standing campaign that only won because Sanders is imminently bribeable and Covid shut down the primary contests, is now a lean, mean fundraising machine.

    To impugn the appearance of impropriety, one or both of the parties must first have had propriety.

    Luckily for Ms. Tumulty, that lets her and the 43 year old clump of cells she didn’t abort off the hook.

  3. Her mistake wuz saying something about it. This kind of stuff goes on throughout the MSM as SOP! As George Carlin would say:
    “It’s a club and we ain’t in it!”

  4. Should I be surprised? C’mon man! All of the media is working for Joe.

    Never cared too much for Dana Perino but Gutfeld has made her acceptable. So she blows it by getting her panties wet over Big Mike’s speech, “she nailed it” She nailed it??? She spent the whole fucking praising Joe and his great policies…Haha, just kidding, she spent the whole worthless POS speech slamming the President

    Anyway all are getting paid, just some directly like this crunt.

  5. I am not surprised. So far, the Biden campaign needs all of the help it can get. Getting the adult son, Jennifer(???) of a “journalist” to help is part of what they need. Along with a real candidate and a real VP candidate, and a platform, and real ideas.


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