Washington Post Displays Glaring Double Standard When Reporting Sexual Assault Claims – IOTW Report

Washington Post Displays Glaring Double Standard When Reporting Sexual Assault Claims

The Federalist:

[…] Fairfax’s accuser provided specific details to the Post, including a date, time, location, and details of a “sexual encounter that began with consensual kissing and ended with a forced act that left her crying and shaken.” In the Post’s reporting on Kavanaugh, Ford was unable to recall or provide any similar details of her encounter with Kavanaugh, but that did not prevent them from publishing her accusations. Additionally, details of Ford’s testimony changed several times throughout the reports and hearings..  more here

7 Comments on Washington Post Displays Glaring Double Standard When Reporting Sexual Assault Claims

  1. Jeff Bezos and his wife are dedicated to making the Washington Post more believable than the National Enquirer, because “ Democrats Die in Sunshine Without A Double Standard.” Fake News or Fake Breasts? Take your pick.

  2. WAPO “more believable” This early in the day, you’ve already have won the internet!
    In regards to your question?

    I take the titties!
    Ask her the same question,, your’ll be surprised

  3. There are no standards in propaganda.
    Lie, deceive, twist, spin, massage, omit … whatever … the point – the ONLY point – is to promote the agenda – the narrative – and that implies “No Enemies on the Left.” The agenda cannot be imposed without imposing the cadres of true-believers into positions of power and dominance – and the agenda is FAR more important than the victims of those who are being thrust upon the public.
    What are the peccadilloes of a couple of perverts when a nation – perhaps a world – is at stake?
    Bill Clinton
    Barney Frank
    Gerry Studds
    Kamala Harris
    Al Franken
    Anthony Weiner
    &c., &c., &c.


    izlamo delenda est …


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