Washington Post imbues Trump with power over the seas – IOTW Report

Washington Post imbues Trump with power over the seas

Patriot Retort: A hurricane is bearing down on the Carolina coast, and the Washington Post actually holds President Trump responsible.

The Washington Post has been trying to convince us for two years that President Trump is a incompetent boob.

And yet they want us to believe that he has power over the oceans?

That’s a pretty handy power to have, don’t you think?

Is he causing the gale force winds through the power of his man-breath?

Yesterday journalists were horrified that President Trump acknowledged the cheers of the crowd on his way to the 9/11 memorial in Pennsylvania by raising his fists.  MORE

12 Comments on Washington Post imbues Trump with power over the seas

  1. Shames me to think growing up, this was my paper of record. Right up to the time of the Clinton s. Now, looking back at the Woodward, Bernstein Deep Throat BS just to sell a paper sickens me. 45 years later this portensive POS now only exist to feed his lifelong delusion. Only now with the need to join the ranks of a Dan Rather. MMTB (more money than brains), just a deluded ego puppet still trying to press an agenda he was always instructed and payed to do. Gee, Bob, are you glad teaching your son that? The same BS that got him killed.

  2. If Trump has that power then I guess I can credit him for not permitting any damage to the beach front house in Topsail NC that the family has reserved to stay at in three weeks. And blame him if it is damaged and we have to cancel our stay there.

    Nah, I’ll just flip the cause round and blame the GW advocates for conjuring up the storm to advance their agenda.

  3. It says it all that they have to go to such ridiculous extremes to find fault with the highly successful president. His effective management of the nations affairs puts the lie to everything they espouse and it’s plain for people to see.

  4. Was just gonna mention that Jarhead, and the fact we should blame him for climate change. After all, he who controlled the ebb and flow of the oceans, did nothing to contain them.

  5. I lived in Alexandria from. ’49 – ’53. I saw what happened with my own dishonest eyes. Fortunately I could read the America hating Post to get what really happened! What Ron called “Press lies!” 40 years ago today is FAKE NEWS

    Post has hated America for at least 70 years! Clear they still hate America.

  6. I wonder how the WaPo treated President Trump before he became President? Where did all that contempt come from?
    “Another hurricane is about to batter our coast and Trump is complicit.”
    I mean, what the fuck? That is so pathetic!


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