Washington Post Laments Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Likely to Win Reelection Tommorow – IOTW Report

Washington Post Laments Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Likely to Win Reelection Tommorow

CTH: The Washington Post, aka the U.S. intelligence community, is lamenting the likelihood that Hungarian nationalist Viktor Orban is likely to win reelection tomorrow despite the efforts of the multinational corporations and globalists in western politics trying to defeat him.

According to the public relations stenographers for the U.S. intelligence community, Orban retains a great deal of support from the working class in Hungary, despite the influence campaign the western alliance has been waging to support his political opposition.  The framework from the Washington Post indicates just how tentacled the U.S. government is in meddling in the affairs of our allies. more

6 Comments on Washington Post Laments Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Likely to Win Reelection Tommorow

  1. I like Hungarians and Viktor. They have some of my albums now — thanks to a Hungarian, named Gaspar, rooming with us and whose visiting relatives stole them from our rental house on Starlit Ponds — in Fairfax County, VA.

  2. Orban is one of the good guys on our side. “Team Trump”.
    If I remember right they want to get there hands on G. Soros.
    He killed a lot of Jews in Hungry and Austria by helping the krauts round them up and send them to the camps.


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