Washington Post Publishes, Retracts Attempt to Link Conservative Author to White Nationalism – IOTW Report

Washington Post Publishes, Retracts Attempt to Link Conservative Author to White Nationalism

Daily Signal:

The Washington Post on Tuesday retracted an op-ed writer’s distorted attempt to link conservative author J.D. Vance to white nationalism.

Left-wing writer Marissa Brostoff penned an op-ed for the Post accusing the mainstream pro-life movement of aligning with white nationalists.

Brostoff’s accusation depended on two examples: pariah Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King—whose comments on white nationalism were unanimously condemned by Republicans in January—and a quote from Vance’s July 16 speech at the National Conservatism Conference.

“Our people aren’t having enough children to replace themselves. That should bother us,” Brostoff quoted Vance saying. “Vance did not spell out exactly who was included in the word ‘our.’ He didn’t need to,” she concluded, implying that he was stoking fears about white birthrates specifically.

Vance made clear in his speech that he was talking about national birthrates, not just among white people: “There are a lot of ways to measure a healthy society, but the most important way to measure a healthy society is by whether a nation is having enough children to replace itself.”

The Post added an editor’s note after a backlash: “An earlier version of this story suggested that the author J.D. Vance lamented a falloff in white births; he was actually talking about American births.”

A spokesman for the paper declined to provide additional comment.

Contrary to Brostoff’s portrayal of Vance, the conservative author is in an interracial marriage and has a biracial son.

The misleading op-ed was widely denounced as a smear among conservatives, who pointed out that white nationalists like Richard Spencer often support abortion as a means to limiting minority populations.

8 Comments on Washington Post Publishes, Retracts Attempt to Link Conservative Author to White Nationalism

  1. I wonder how Jeff Bezos and the ex-wifey would enjoy Amazon being broken up into smaller, separate and separately owned companies. Too bad Congress has been cowed by the sheer size of these monopolies as well as bought off by their money.

  2. white nationalism is just as legal as homosexuality.

    if queers don’t have anything to be ashamed of, then neither to white nationalists.
    the left can celebrate their blackness, their queerness, etc. but you think it is shameful to be a white nationalist.

    why the hell let them determine what is kosher?

    there is no reason to let the most odd and disturbed people in the usa determine for us what is acceptable.
    and thats’ where we are at. and it is pathetic.

    queers can walk around in a parade decorated with dick sticking out all over them but we can’t have a confederate flag?
    r u serious?

  3. “White Nationalism” is a prominent dog whistle of the left, instantaneously bringing about fits and spittle flying accusations when most mistakenly think it is anything opposed to the intersectionality they all worship.

    Before I agree with cletus (conceptually, not completely) I have a few questions if he is up for it.

    I take it by your response that you are a White Nationalist. Can you tell me what you think it means? Is your particular flavor that of the Aryan type, where “whiteness” invokes a purity over that of other races? Or is it more territorial, a feeling of being marginalized and pushed out? Or if you have another definition I would be glad to hear it.

  4. Nothing new! the Post has been run by hate mongers for at least 71 years. I lived near DC in ’48. I saw what was happening in the real world. the read the “Ugly America” lies in the Post. TOTALLY DIFFERENT.
    I did not know what KGB was in ’48 but it was clear the Post was trying to destroy America. They still want American destruction.Not news

  5. Steve King is one of the best representatives out there so it figures the swampy scumbag republicans would marginalize him. Anything to suck up to the dems!


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