Washington Post reporter caught plotting liberal agenda with billionaire Geo – IOTW Report

Washington Post reporter caught plotting liberal agenda with billionaire Geo


Allegedly unbiased Washington Post reporter Janell Ross spoke at a top-secret meeting of liberal movers and shakers last week, where Democratic donors including billionaire George Soros outlined the future of their progressive agenda.

A Post spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon that Ross took part of the California event “without notifying her superiors that she would be attending.”

The Democracy Alliance, which hosted the event, bills itself as “the largest network of donors dedicated to building the progressive movement in the United States” on the group’s official website. The liberal group also claims to “play a leading role in fostering the infrastructure necessary to advance a progressive agenda” in the United States.

The group intended to keep “the identities of its members and guests confidential,” according to the Beacon, but the paper obtained a “detailed conference agenda that lists both events and featured guests.” Once the Beacon revealed the attendees, the group reportedly beefed up security and asked participants to keep details off social media.

One of the surprising guests was Ross, who used to pass as a somewhat impartial reporter for the prestigious Post. While the paper’s slogan is, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” she apparently wanted to keep her bosses in the dark about attending the liberal planning session and hanging out with prominent Democratic donors such as Soros.

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13 Comments on Washington Post reporter caught plotting liberal agenda with billionaire Geo

  1. “… building the progressive movement …”

    “… undermining the civic Foundations and the Constitution of the United States of America …”

    There – fixed it for ya …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Judging by the article, the comments and what I’ve read elsewhere, the attendees and ideological contributors to this New World Order, anti-American gathering was a literal Who’s Who of the current democrat party. I would suspect a number of never-Trumpers also. Perhaps we could round them all up and hold our own version of the Nuremburg trials followed by swift “execution” of sentence after conviction for treason of all involved. Should go a long way toward cleaning up the Swamp problem !!!

  3. The Post wants all their reporters to be biased liberals.
    They just don’t want that fact to be exposed with such certainty.

    My question: what is this group plotting to do? I want to see their agenda.

  4. Since Bezos took over and steered the paper even harder left the staff have no doubt felt they are free to do this and you know what? They are. There will be no discipline for this reporter and the lie the paper wrote about the Post not knowing where she was going was only put out there because she was caught. If you want to go armchair shopping go anywhere but Amazon and pick any paper to read but the Post. they may be easier to get/use but Bezos has done more actual damage to our countries then George Soros has.

  5. Treat her like an enemy combatant/spy behind enemy lines (in the USA). Arrest her, and wring her for any and every bit of information on attendees, agenda, and notes. Then send her to Gitmo, or any other secret CIA prison.

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