Washington power substations vandalized weeks after grid attacked in North Carolina – IOTW Report

Washington power substations vandalized weeks after grid attacked in North Carolina

JTN: Three power substations in Pierce County, Washington, were vandalized and a fourth was set on fire, leaving thousands of customers without power just weeks after electrical grid attacks targeted North and South Carolina.

Nothing was stolen from two of the substations during the burglaries on Sunday, the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said, but more than 14,000 customers lost power.

The first call of a burglary at the Tacoma Public Utilities Substation came in shortly before 5:20 a.m. on Christmas morning. Officials found forced entry into the fenced area and damaged equipment, but nothing was missing. 

Officials were notified of a second public substation burglary as well and the scene looked the same, authorities said.

By about 11:30 a.m., Puget Sound Energy, a private utility company, notified deputies about a power outage nine hours earlier and officials discovered a break-in and vandalism. MORE

8 Comments on Washington power substations vandalized weeks after grid attacked in North Carolina

  1. Used to have a neighbor kid stealing the glass insulators from the power lines in our neighborhood. I used to find piles of them in my horse pasture. Apparently they contained PCP or something similar. Wonder if this is something similar?

  2. Yeah, and the FBI and the cops have to keep sharp eyes out for people who may be silently praying near abortion mills. Oh, and keeping a lookout for nooses disguised as garage door pulls – those damned sneaky white supremacists.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. definitely enemy action. between these and the food processing plants burning down I’d say we’ve been at war for a year now and no one’s who has a duty to protect the country seemed to notice yet. all things equal I’m starting to think the ones with the duty to protect the country are the ones destroying it. cut off food, fuel, and power are siege tactics. do it enough and things collapse. cold, starving people are easier to control/conquer.


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