Washington: Security line at Sea-Tac Airport reaches 2.5 hours long – IOTW Report

Washington: Security line at Sea-Tac Airport reaches 2.5 hours long

h/t illustr8r

Security lines at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Sunday morning stretched into the parking garage, double-backing several times. According to tweets from travelers, the wait was about 2.5 hours. MORE @ KIRO 7

8 Comments on Washington: Security line at Sea-Tac Airport reaches 2.5 hours long

  1. I said this early on when these security measures were first put into place – forcing pedestrian crowds in proximity to vehicle routes will just invite the terrorists to use cars or trucks to take out large crowds of innocents who were put into jeopardy by the gubmint while trying to protect them.

  2. “double-backing”? Come on, my fine young journos. Do better.

    But seriously. I don’t know if we are sinking rapidly into Third World status or TPTB really just don’t want us to go anywhere anymore. Probably both.

    Shelter at home, proles.

  3. And this is the same Gooberment that drove a NV brothel into bankruptcy.
    You expect speed and efficiency at an airport checkin?


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