PM: On Wednesday, Washington Senate Democrats unanimously voted to strip parental rights from legislation they passed with Republicans last year, according to the Seattle Times. Senate Bill 5181 undermines Initiative 2081, also known as the Parental Rights Initiative, that the chamber passed in bipartisan fashion in 2024.
Washington voters gathered over 454,000 signatures to bring Initiative 2081 before the Legislature. The bill lays out 15 rights that parents of public school students have, including notifying parents of academic, medical, safety, and law enforcement issues and the right to examine and request records and educational materials. The measure was part of a slate of common sense citizen initiatives last session, intended for a statewide vote. Three initiatives were sent to the ballot and the rest, including the parental rights, were passed by the Democratic-controlled Legislature. more h/t illustr8r.
Evil Democrats
“Washington State Democrats voted not to inform parents if a child is sexually abused by a school employee.”
…so, do the POLICE get notified? An AMBULACE? A HOSPITAL?
All of those have reporting requirements.
Seems like at SOME point, SOMEONE would have to tell the parents why their kid needs to be in court, a public health clinic, an emergency room, or an obstetrician’s office, because its going to get kinda obvious….
“…90 percent of the initiative was already state law.”
…which you acknowledge, but are apparently refusing to follow…
…when I was going to school, the nurse couldnt give me an ASPIRIN without parental consent.
…Now, apparently, they can give a kid a baby, an abortion, AND mutiliate their genitals along with the kids’ minds if they want, and not only not tell the parents, but the parents cant even ask the QUESTION…
“Before the initiative went into effect June 6, the ACLU and other legal advocacy organizations filed a joint lawsuit in May arguing it included “vague and broad language” with the potential to harm youth from marginalized communities.”
…SOME youth communities NEED to be marginalized.
…communities of youth that are physically and psychologically tortured into thinking its OK to be repeatedly raped by a pedophile, for example, need to be maginalized by exposing and executing their tormentors so there IS no community of rape-compliant pediatric abuse vicims any more as those who would abuse them are all dead, and in quite painful ways too…
…weidly, though, there’s no companion story about every parent pulling their children out of the public school system.
Why not?
Sending your kids to govt conditioning and abuse compounds is a particularly nasty form of child abuse. DON’T DO IT.
Sadly, the SeaTac/Spokane areas turn what would otherwise be a great state into complete and utter shit. The democrats are clearly evil, and people need to prepare themselves for the day these fuckers on the left go full North Korea on us. They clearly want us all as their slaves in both mind and body.
u ****** assholes just lost yo paycheck
The Dem’s et al, state and fed, are so tone deaf and have drunk gallons of their own sicko demented cult Kool Aid that they are accelerating towards the cliff edge thinking they can fly and no harm will result. Good riddance to those who become Darwin Award winning flattened fauna.
Hey Washington… you still looking for federal funds??? You may have to change some of your laws, give parents and children their rights back. Unless, you know, you don’t want this money.
Come in here and thoroughly and exhaustively audit any and all federal grant funded projects. The State and Puget Sound Regional Council have been administering those funds. They are what are known as “pass through” funding. The feds award the money to the funding agencies, the funding agencies design the grant criteria in such way that it basically is a vehicle used to push progressive/Marxist/Satanism out from their strongholds into every corner of the State into suburban and rural areas. That part is reprehensible, but probably legal. That being said, the State and PSRC and their favored pet counties and cities favorite phrase is “there are no teeth in that law” when project managers and engineers point out that federal laws and regulations are not being followed. This is all but ubiquitous among elected and appointed officials in each and every “blue” area of Washington state. Audit them, cut off funding, forensic audit projects going back a couple decades, demand reimbursement for violations and the whole fucking house of cards comes crashing down.
It was not by coincidence that Hillary’s Perkins Coie Law Firm happened to be headquartered in Seattle. It is not by coincidence that the election fraud and daylight election theft schemes Democrats have been using were beta tested in Washington’s 2004 gubernatorial election.
Here’s the deal, since 2004 the fuckers have fancied themselves gods. With each cycle of the bullshit they have been pulling they have become more bold and arrogant and more sloppy and more convinced that the rules are what they say they are and that they are untouchable. They are standing on the corner with their pants down around their ankles at this point.
If you think you have seen panic over the last couple weeks, just come in here and start digging and the response is going to make the last couple weeks of meltdowns look like a fucking eight year old’s birthday party at Chuckle Cheese in comparison.
That will open up judicial appointments to full scrutiny and they are a vital component in the Democrats overall lawless takeover.
Home school your children. It’s your only hope!