Washington: Socialist Kshama Sawant pushes ‘militant’ takeover of Amazon – IOTW Report

Washington: Socialist Kshama Sawant pushes ‘militant’ takeover of Amazon

BY JASON RANTZ/MyNorthwest: Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant advocated for a militant mass movement to publicly take over Amazon in a weekend Tweet.

The Tweet comes after Sawant pushes to rally anti-Amazon councilmembers into a dubiously titled “Amazon tax” that targets hundreds of local businesses during an economic downturn. And it’s the latest escalation of dangerous rhetoric with a wink and a nod towards her violent Antifa base of support.

It’s no secret that Sawant believes businesses should be publicly owned and operated by the workforce, even if the workforce has no business acumen. Sawant, who lacks business acumen, previously tried to rally workers to overthrow Boeing management and build buses. That didn’t work. So she’s sticking to her message, this time with a Seattle-based company.

But this tweet, a response to a troll account named “KarlMarxJunior,” is another step in her escalating fight with Amazon (related note: Sawant is an Amazon Prime member because even socialists enjoy free shipping on millions of items). read more

20 Comments on Washington: Socialist Kshama Sawant pushes ‘militant’ takeover of Amazon

  1. “It will be a political strike at Billionaires so that we can become the Billionaires”
    (or as Pogo might say: “We have met the enemy and we like his money”)

    Thar… Ah fixed it!

  2. You could, I don’t know, maybe start your own company to compete with the Amazons of the world. But yours would be run by the workers for social good, of course. And then the company that delivered better would thrive, and if the other wasn’t up to the task it would fail. How about that – start from zero like Amazon did rather than take something that someone else built?

  3. This isn’t something new, it’s been done before all over the world over the last century or so.

    Maybe she could point out some of the more successful results from it?

    Not that it would occur to her to do it to push her point.

  4. A feral humanoid.
    To live, and flourish, amidst Western Civilization but be ignorant of its foundational philosophy is to truly be subhuman, certainly uncivil. A dog or a cat in a magnificent Library. Her parents, and all others who formed her values, should be very ashamed.

    This troglodyte was never read, or taught the supreme value of the Ten Commandments, or more simply, The Golden Rule.

    Since this soulless primitive expresses no problem with THEFT, it would be just if her very pulse were taken from her; in order to protect the Public. How could this critter attain a leadership position in a Free Society??

  5. Does “a militant mass movement” include getting off the couch?

    Oh! No xirrey! Not on my watch! I’m seriously considering taking my feets down. Off these thousands of rounds. I use as an ottoman. (Not a filthy, heathen, Ottoman!) And stop cleaning this one, of my dozens o’ guns. (The Second Amendment, Peace Be Upon Xim.) And tweet at My Lord and Savior. (No. Not that one. He ain’t got time for Tweeter! The billionairy one.)

    Considering it. After I see how the next election goes. Maybe.

    From the couch. This couch. My couch.


  6. @Left Coast Dan May 5, 2020 at 10:26 am

    > How about that – start from zero like Amazon did rather than take something that someone else built?

    Go home, @Dan. You’re drunk. So drunk you sound stupid. Really, really stupid.

    <Sent from my cardboard box. Next to the dumpster. Where my store used to be.>

  7. This whole “workers of the world unite” bullshit has been played out again and again and at this point the bitch is only doing this to keep her profile up among the Antifa Stormtroopers.

    Frankly, Amazon needs to be broken up. They control too many aspects of the sales cycle and some serious rumors have been spouting about how they deal with their own customers when they want to move into a product space. Break them up and maybe some competition will be allowed to grow in that space.

    An added benefit is that Jeff Bezos won’t have nearly the same power as he has today.

  8. No one but a natural born citizen should hold any position that gives them perceived or real power to tell American Citizens what they “should do” to conform to unconstitutional ideas.
    How much time and money is lost defending ourselves against these socialists and communists who come here attempting to turn us into third world shit holes, like the ones they came from?
    Naturalized citizens are required to accept and understand why we have these laws. If they can’t, deport them and remove their American citizenship.

  9. Long past time for the rest of WA State to separate from the idiots in the Seattle area.

    Pramila Jayapal, now Sawant . . . thanks India. Thanks Regressives.

  10. You’re still in the USA but idiot socialist dipshits like this dimbulb Seattle City Council knucklehead should never have been alowed to enter the USA under any circumstances. She needs to be forcibly sent back to whatever turd world shithole that she came from pronto. I feel for Seattleites, we have enough of our own pinheads in Eastern Wash. but yours are far worse and more militant.


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