Washington State Passes Bill Requiring Insurance Companies To Cover Abortion – IOTW Report

Washington State Passes Bill Requiring Insurance Companies To Cover Abortion



DC: The Washington state Senate passed a bill Saturday mandating that insurance companies pay for abortions and contraceptive drugs and procedures for maternity care plans.

The state legislature passed Senate Bill 6219 in a 27 to 22 vote Saturday, according to KIRO7. The measure insists that any company who provides maternity care must also provide coverage for women who seek to abort. It also requires insurance companies to cover all contraceptive methods including drugs, implants, consultations and sterilization procedures. The bill does not allow exceptions for religious or moral objections.

“It’s vital that women have access to whatever contraceptive drugs, devices, products and services we need to manage our reproductive needs and overall health,” state Sen. Annette Cleveland, said in support of the bill, according to the Peninsula Daily News. “This legislation has been a long time in coming and will make a big difference in many women’s lives.”

Others aren’t enthused about the bill’s passing, however, and argue it violates the rights of religious groups and organizations that morally object to abortion.  MORE

19 Comments on Washington State Passes Bill Requiring Insurance Companies To Cover Abortion

  1. “This legislation has been a long time in coming and will make a big difference in many women’s lives.”

    Yeah, and it’ll have a strong impact on the unborn also.

  2. Insurance is only required to say that the patient is insured. The provider has to meet the company’s specific regulatory guidelines and certification processes in order to be compensated for services rendered. These insurance regulations could add more costs on abortion providers

  3. Thank State! Now people can really be totally irresponsible before rolling in the hay since the State will force somebody else to pay for the abortion!

  4. Beyond moral outrage, the fact is that they make me complicit in the murder of the innocents.

    Insurance companies (by definition) distribute “risk” amongst the greater number of persons, such that one person is not overwhelmed. Every time the gov’t (state or Fed) “mandates” something (anything) there is no longer any “risk” involved – thus – the “mandated” (forced or coerced) issue becomes a subsidy. At some remove (however remote) I (and you, as well) am compelled (obscurely, for sure) to assist in the payment for murder.

    Why is this unobjectionable?
    Why do we (who do not acquiesce to the murder of innocents) allow this?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. So, when can we stop pretending government street soldiers taking up arms against The Constitution, even when “just following orders”, are guilty of treason? If you want to play Nuremberg sham trials, and let the soldiers walk, while the officers hang, we can talk. Not “negotiate” for more time. But a talk is fine. A talk while the executioners are checking the machinery.

  6. the beast is alive and well in washington. If Christians and Pastors and non-believers with a moral compass dont revolt over this there is little hope for that state.

  7. As health costs increase due to regulations like this companies may just delete health plans and just compensate the employees the value of what the health care costs would have been and let them go out and buy their own or they may instruct their insurers to delete maternity benefits from their insurance plans. This may be dependent though on when ObamaCare is finally removed specifically the part about forced participation for companies with greater then 50 employees.

  8. What many people don’t understand about Washington is that it has the widest Bell curve for intelligence in the country… many very smart people… and a whole lot of really, really stupid people. Unfortunately, the Legislature is on the left side of that curve.

  9. All living things, from birds to babies come from the hand of a loving God who deposits them into our care. He attends the death of even the smallest bird.
    What kind of people line up to kill these precious things then think we should pay for it?

  10. Moloch
    The Carthaginians reportedly sacrificed their children (but that may have been Roman propaganda) but ONE thing is absolutely certain:

    ANY society which murders its own children CANNOT survive.

    This is an anthropological fact.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. It sure would be satisfying to see a mass exodus of insurance company’s that refuse to do business in WA, but that will only happen if this legislation affects their bottom line.

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