WashPost Writer Can’t Figure Out Why Trump Supporters Won’t Talk To Her – IOTW Report

WashPost Writer Can’t Figure Out Why Trump Supporters Won’t Talk To Her

Federalist: Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak is confused. In October 2019 she visited a “Women for Trump” rally in our nation’s capital, trying to figure out why these women support President Trump. Attendants were hesitant to answer Dvorak, particularly when she identified herself as a WaPo employee.

“The women on the Capitol lawn approving of him, for the most part, didn’t want to talk to me,” she acknowledged. Those who did answered with vagaries, like one woman who simply explained her support with, “Oh, for many, many reasons.”

This prompted another question for Dvorak: Why are conservatives so distrustful of her and the mainstream media she represents? Dvorak thinks the answer can be reduced to President Trump’s disparaging of what he calls the “Amazon Washington Post” or the “Failing New York Times,” as if conservative women are mindless lemmings who bow to his every bidding.

I’ll offer a more basic answer: because these outlets, and many others like them, offer such blatantly critical and condescending perspectives on conservative Americans and their values. This is palpable even in Dvorak’s article, which rather than attempting empathy for conservative women who don’t equate feminism with pro-choice politics, simply belittles them. She writes: read more

18 Comments on WashPost Writer Can’t Figure Out Why Trump Supporters Won’t Talk To Her

  1. Along with Black conservatives, our future rests on conservative women. God bless ’em all.

    Or, to be inclusive of all….true conservatives (and not RINOs), period, of any race, class, religion, etc.

  2. When speaking to a WaPo “reporter” or a CNN interviewer, the default position if the interviewee should be “you are a mindless skank spouting empty slogans and parroting the policies of your betters. Convince me that there is any glimmer of hope I could have any intelligent conversation with you.”

    This is actually a position, albeit stated in better terms, I take when discussing things with liberals. After this, the conversation usually goes no where, which saves me a lot of time.

  3. “…Those who did answered with vagaries, like one woman who simply explained her support with, “Oh, for many, many reasons.””

    Don’t talk to any reporter who has no vocabulary. “Vagaries.” I don’t think that word means what you think it means, dearie.

  4. I’d gladly have a conversation with a wapo writer. It would go something like this, “Go f yourself, you stupid, leftist piece of shit.” That’s me being civil, too.

  5. How is it possible to keep shoving your feet so far into your mouth with your heads so far up your asses!??
    Is the only conversation that I would be interested in having with a journo at this time.

  6. AbigailAdams JANUARY 4, 2020 AT 3:33 PM

    Don’t talk to any reporter who has no vocabulary. “Vagaries.” I don’t think that word means what you think it means, dearie.

    Lemme guess..

    Vagina and ovaries combined?

    Wat I win?

  7. If you weren’t a liar, a sensationalist, and massive Trump hater they would talk to you. But no matter what they say you will distort and misreport it, so why would they tell you anything?

  8. @Dadof4 — haha! Maybe! I think the idiot reporter was trying to convey the idea that the woman who was evading a direct response was being VAGUE. As you know, vagaries are a whole ‘nother animal, having nothing to do with vagueness.

  9. Why does the washington compost bother to have anyone out doing ‘interviews’ at all?

    We all know they’re just going to lie and fake news invent shit out of thin air in the end anyway…

    Why not make that step one? Why bother with interviews before you spin your lies?

    That’s not efficient. And they’re not fooling anyone at this point.

    Washington post is fake news. We all know it. Why waste the effort?

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