Wasserman Schultz: Dems need to address the ACA’s problems, but there are no specific problems to ad – IOTW Report

Wasserman Schultz: Dems need to address the ACA’s problems, but there are no specific problems to ad


Canada Free Press

Yesterday, everyone’s favorite DNC Chair – Debbie Wasserman Schultz – hauled herself onto the set of Chuck Todd’s MSNBC show for an interview.  There, she said that Democrats want to “address any problems” with ObamaCare.  So, Chuck Todd asked her the obvious question:

“Let me ask about addressing the problems.  Give me a bill right now that you would introduce to address a problem.”

Debbie hemmed and hawed in her usual “don’t say anything concrete” way, before admitting that there really are no specific problems with ObamaCare.  At least, she can’t think of one that she would address.

“You don’t have one that’s on your radar screen?” Todd asked.

“That comes to mind immediately?  No. Nothing glaring.” Schultz replied.



7 Comments on Wasserman Schultz: Dems need to address the ACA’s problems, but there are no specific problems to ad

  1. She probably is one of the smarter democRATS in the pack. But that still ain’t sayin’ much now is it?
    I haven’t seen one yet that has an I.Q. higher than TOFU!

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