Wasserman Schultz May Start Cooperating With House Hacking Probe – IOTW Report

Wasserman Schultz May Start Cooperating With House Hacking Probe

DC: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is “negotiating” with the Capitol Police over whether to stop blocking access to a computer seized from her as part of a criminal cybersecurity investigation, Fox News reported Wednesday.

Soon after resigning as head of the Democratic National Committee in wake of it being hacked, the Florida Democrat’s top information technology (IT) aide, Pakistan-born Imran Awan, was named as the lead suspect in a separate information breach involving House data.

But instead of cooperating with Capitol Police, she used a hearing on the law enforcement group’s budget to threaten “consequences”for Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa unless he returns her a computer taken in the investigation. Wasserman Schultz appeared visibly distraught in the televised hearing.

The computer was not returned, but it was reported Wednesday that investigators have not been able to examine contents of the equipment.  more here

15 Comments on Wasserman Schultz May Start Cooperating With House Hacking Probe

  1. The fact that this level of corruption and lawlessness is tolerated does not bode well for this country. I’m not as optimistic as I was 4 months ago. President Trump is more outnumbered than the 300 Spartans were.

  2. I’m going to go out on a limb here and opine that their aren’t too many commenters at this site that would be able to ‘block’ an investigation of their computer by the ‘authorities.’

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