Wasserman Schultz Refuses To Respond To Accusations She Attempted To Shut Down Awan Probe [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Wasserman Schultz Refuses To Respond To Accusations She Attempted To Shut Down Awan Probe [VIDEO]

DC: WASHINGTON — Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused to respond Friday to accusations that she attempted to shut down an investigation related to a former IT staffer of hers who made unauthorized access to House servers.

The IT aide, Imran Awan, plus his wife, two brothers and friends are suspected of breaching House IT network rules.  WATCH

9 Comments on Wasserman Schultz Refuses To Respond To Accusations She Attempted To Shut Down Awan Probe [VIDEO]

  1. Holy moire’, Batman! All those rows and rows of lines in that pic…columns, clothes, hair. Enough to give Eichenwald seizures. Was the photographer using a ramen filter?

  2. I read an article that speculated that once his DNA is inside her that it is still floating around somewhere.

    Now all we have to do is find the paper bag she was wearing.

  3. There you go. The DNC wasn’t hacked by Russia or Assange, it was the Pakastainees!! They didn’t hack em, they were invited in. The DNC handed it to them.

  4. And I must correct my comment above. They must find at least one of the two brown paper bags she was wearing before Apu dropped nature’s data dump on her fugly mug.


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