WATCH: Angry protesters storm the stage at Biden’s Super Tuesday rally – IOTW Report

WATCH: Angry protesters storm the stage at Biden’s Super Tuesday rally

Demonstrators holding ‘Let Dairy Die’ posters interrupt former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday speech

17 Comments on WATCH: Angry protesters storm the stage at Biden’s Super Tuesday rally

  1. To read the lsm outlets you’d think Jill did everything but pull a weapon on these cow criers.
    Cute how Joe was able to repeat her “we’re OK” line.
    The fact that such a sick old man is winning is a disgrace to this nation.

  2. When are the Bernie Bros coming for Joe? For all that tough talk about burning it all down their guy is having the rug publicly yanked from under him and Joe is the figurehead and so far no reaction.

  3. Who could have a problem with dairy cows?
    They’re inoffensive creatures who bother no one (maybe that’s what pisses off the unbalanced?).
    Never to lie, cheat, steal, kill, oppress, attempt to tyrannize … so what’s the problem?
    The simple fact that dairy cows are useful members of the “World Community” and the protesters aren’t? Jealousy? Such rage?
    They (not dairy cows) just can’t leave things alone that don’t concern them.

    If you don’t like dairy – don’t fucking buy it! Pretty simple.
    Same with smoking – if you don’t want to smoke – DON”T fuckin SMOKE!
    If you don’t like alcohol – DON’T fuckin DRINK IT!

    When your life is absolutely perfect, then whine to others about theirs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @ Anonymous MARCH 4, 2020 AT 10:05 AM
    “Expecting civilized behavior from Leftists at a gathering of any kind is an error in judgment.”

    You can’t blame people for not getting it right:
    Trust me on this – their behavior truly is subhuman. Fact is they actually revel in their headlong descent deeper into filth and degeneracy. People who have only observed a critical mass of the filthy disgusting creatures from a distance or via what the media provides just cannot imagine what they are capable of. Those of us who have first hand experiencing them in their native habitat know full well what to expect from them.

  5. The Progressive-Left is at war on many fronts:

    They are fighting Dairy.

    They are fighting the weather.

    They are fighting wealthy people, whom they regard as a threat to be eliminated in order to achieve their goals.

    They are fighting the dictates of biology regarding the fundamental definition of Male and Female.

    They are fighting the ever-present evils of “Racism,” “Oppressions,” and “Supremacies,” the phantoms and specters of which only those who are truly “woke” are able to see at every moment and in every thing, of course.

    One begins to get the feeling that the Progressive-Left is at war with the United States and her people.

  6. Did anyone notice how ole Joe hid behind his wife when he thought he was in danger? He even put his hand on her back to make sure she stayed between him and the 2nd wacko. That tells you all you need to know.

  7. @Ted

    I like this:

    the phantoms and specters of which only those who are truly “woke” are able to see at every moment and in every thing, of course.

    That is a good line to remember, although I don’t argue with liberal fools anymore. Life is short.


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