Watch: Bernie Compares Felons Voting to Women and Black Voting Rights – IOTW Report

Watch: Bernie Compares Felons Voting to Women and Black Voting Rights

Breitbart: Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said on Wednesday at the “She the People” event in Houston, Texas, on Wednesday that allowing convicted criminals, including felons, to vote is the same civil rights issue as allowing women and blacks to cast a ballot in United States elections.

“I was criticized rather strongly because I said that when we talk about the right to vote that right should exist for people who are currently in jail,” Sanders said to applause from the people attending the event.

“And I was told this was a terrible idea despite the fact that in Canada and in countries all over the world — why did I say that?” Sanders said. “I said that because the right to vote is essential. If you are a citizen, you have the right to vote.”

Then Sanders compared that right to voting rights connection to race and gender.

“And that is a right we must protect because we know the history of this country. We know that women didn’t have the right to vote,” Sanders said. “We know that African Americans didn’t have the rights to vote.” more here


SNIP: Women and Black persons, DID NOT have the right to vote at all at one time.
Felons DID.   And they threw that right away.
Why does old dumbass compare women and Blacks to felons?

11 Comments on Watch: Bernie Compares Felons Voting to Women and Black Voting Rights

  1. “I’ll take ‘People’ for $600, Alex.”
    “The answer is: ‘women, blacks and felons.”
    “Who are ‘people you need to hide your wallet from?”

    Ding. Ding. Ding. “You still have the board, Wyatt.”

  2. I was born female. I have friends and coworkers who were born black. I don’t know anyone who was born a felon. They put themselves in that category therefore, it’s a choice, not a state of being and perfectly legitimate that individuals and the state can treat them differently.
    Besides, if they get to vote from prison, the state would be discriminating against me if I have to drive to the polls.

  3. I can see giving ex-felons the right to vote after a period to demonstrate they are reformed and honest again (say, maybe, 10 years going without major violations after being released), but I have no problem denying them that right while in prison and for a period after they get out as a part of their penalty.

    I actually feel the same about their gun rights, once they’ve shown they’ve reformed themselves and become honest citizens let them have all of their rights back.


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