Watch–Beto O’Rourke to Black American: Illegal Immigrant Labor Needed for Cotton Gin – IOTW Report

Watch–Beto O’Rourke to Black American: Illegal Immigrant Labor Needed for Cotton Gin

Breitbart Video:  During a town hall event on Wednesday night, Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) — running against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Senate seat — told a black American who questioned his support of illegal immigration that illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico are today’s cotton pickers.

O’Rourke’s remarks were made after a black American asked the congressman if he supported illegal aliens being given U.S. citizenship despite breaking the country’s immigration laws. O’Rourke responded by saying that it is illegal aliens who are working at cotton gins today.

The exchange went as follows:

BLACK AMERICAN: My question is, do you support granting citizenship and American-paid benefits to illegal aliens who violated our country to come here, who fly their foreign flags here, who have citizenship in their countries and whose families did absolutely not build this country, while black people are subject to things that you explained before? You can answer yes or no, please. [Emphasis added]

BETO O’ROURKE: Many, many people built this country, first of all. And we are a country of many people … and I’m paraphrasing Congressman Lewis at this point, but he said something to the effect that each of us came to this country in a different ship. Some of us came here against our will, some of us immigrated here lawfully … some of us are showing up right now as we speak. They’re fleeing the deadliest countries in the planet today. The northern triangle countries of Central America … imagine how bad things have to be for you to scoop up that six-month-old daughter of yours and to walk 2,000 miles … to refuge in a country that is comprised of people from the world over. And yes, there are some people who did not follow our laws when they came here to be with their families or to work jobs and, in some cases, no one was willing to work in their communities. [Emphasis added]

I mentioned going to the high school in Roscoe, I also went to the cotton gin in Roscoe. And at that cotton gin, there are 24 jobs and the manager of that gin says it does not matter the wages that I pay or the number of hours that we set … no one born in Roscoe … or Texas or this country who is willing to work. But there are immigrants who are coming from Central America or Mexico or other parts of the world to Roscoe to work these jobs and to help build our economy. [Emphasis added]

O’Rourke recently said in an interview on CBS The Late Show, that he supported an amnesty for more than three million illegal aliens who were eligible and enrolled for President Obama’s DACA program.

“We can free DREAMers from the fear of deportation by making them U.S. citizens today, so they can contribute to their maximum capacity, to their full potential,” O’Rourke said.

Mass low-skilled illegal and legal immigration has come at the expense of America’s black working and middle-class communities and workers.

Data reported by Breitbart News reveals how studies by economists and researchers find that it is, specifically, underprivileged black American men who suffer the most from the importation of more than 1.5 million low-skilled immigrants every year to the U.S.

In the mid-1990s, Civil Rights icon and Texas Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Jordan issued the findings of her immigration commission, where she revealed that mass immigration to the U.S. hurt poor, working-class and lower-tier middle-class Americans the most, as it unfairly put them in competition with a never-ending flow of cheaper, foreign workers.

Most impacted, the Jordan Commission discovered, were black Americans.

Portraying foreign nationals as the only willing blue-collar workers in the U.S. is a talking point often used by the open borders lobby, the Business Roundtable, and both political establishments.

O’Rourke’s suggestion that Americans are unwilling to do blue-collar jobs is not backed up by data collected and analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies.  A lot more here

14 Comments on Watch–Beto O’Rourke to Black American: Illegal Immigrant Labor Needed for Cotton Gin

  1. Beto’s gave this talk at Prairie View A & M, a black college in Waller county just northwest of Houston. PV students aren’t dumb by any means. They saw right through Beto. Beto did not gain a lot of votes there with the exception of the perpetually offended.
    Beto’s campaign is utilizing a full court press as I personally have received text messages, phone calls and yesterday a doorknocker who called me by name. That pissed me off. I doubt very seriously if they knock on my door again.
    Three Cruz/O’Rourke debates are scheduled. I don’t expect Beto will have the third as I expect Cruz to hand him his well chewed up ass in a handbasket. The choice is simple, either a uber liberal with all the hickeys or a proven entity. I do not think that Texas is going to put a liberal in office.

  2. Dems and RINOs keep saying that illegals are only working in fields and they keep to themselves in tiny towns. Such bullshit! If they were only in the fields, then why are jobs in CA asking for employees who speak Spanish?

  3. Are politicians (of any stripe) seem to be unable to give a yes or no answer? That Black American asked a simple question with several points that asked whether this smug, Hollywood paid-for liberal if he was in favor of illegal immigration and O’Rourke launches into a rambling, dissembling speech that doesn’t answer the question. I will be so damn mad at Texas if this asshole wins against a man like Cruz.

  4. “And at that cotton gin, there are 24 jobs and the manager of that gin says it does not matter the wages that I pay or the number of hours that we set … no one born in Roscoe … or Texas or this country who is willing to work.”

    If you offer a quarter of a million dollars, plus first class/private air transport, and five star accommodations, for her — and business class/private air transport, and five star accommodations, plus a per diem, for her staff — plus cover all “expenses” they choose to run up in town — I’ve read there are semi-retired, not nearly old, white women, willing to pick up an hour’s work.

  5. The Bush/Obama UNIPARTY is working hard to beat Ted. Bush and Obama have said many times the last 6 years that Johnny was right – Ted is a WHACO BIRD! Not 2 weeks ago when they sat together at his funeral. I think (hope) the Bush/Obama folk lose!

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