Watch: Biden Looks Like a Deer in Headlights When Confronted with Possibility of Communion Ban – IOTW Report

Watch: Biden Looks Like a Deer in Headlights When Confronted with Possibility of Communion Ban

Western Journal:
President Joe Biden’s handlers make every attempt to carefully curate the questions he has to face. But on Friday, it appeared they failed to prepare him for a question about Communion.

During a news conference, a reporter asked Biden about the possibility he could be denied Communion, as well as whether he was concerned about the growing “rift within the Catholic church” as a result. He appeared visibly confused and helpless as he asked her to repeat the question.

As soon as he heard the question clearly, Biden dismissed it as a “private matter” he did not believe would really happen. keep reading

22 Comments on Watch: Biden Looks Like a Deer in Headlights When Confronted with Possibility of Communion Ban

  1. Whenever he pauses like that I have to wonder, is it truly because of a mental lapse, or is it because he’s listening to a voice in his earpiece giving him an answer?

  2. @Sippin’ Coffee…

    Especially if the voice is telling him to “STFU for the love of all that is good, Joe. Nothing good can come of words.”

    Or maybe by now, they just say “Article 25” like a rolled up newspaper.

  3. Joey’s religious convictions are NOT a private matter. He has championed his being a devout Catholic and used this to publicly lever political and financial support. The Almighty does not suffer fakes and corrupt fools, Joey.

  4. For all the bluff, bluster and fraud that Jackass Joe hides behind, deep down he remains a clue-less, spineless, gutless, soul-less, crooked, corrupt puppet completely devoid of all morals, scruples, standards and patriotism! If anyone needs to be saved it’s him, but this stupid fool would sooner steal the collection plate than repent!

  5. “Biden dismissed it as a “private matter” he did not believe would really happen.”

    Yep, it’s between you and God. But your bishops, in addition to being derelict in their duties by not bringing you God’s Word on this, are also helping you damn YOURSELF by NOT keeping you from taking Communion, it’s actually HURTING YOU and putting YOUR blood on THEIR hands if they let you be served, as God’s Word clearly states…

    “27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

    28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

    29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.

    30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.”
    1 Corinthians 11:27-30

    …so carry on with your show religion, Pedophile. Keep eating the bread of damnation so you can pretend, even to yourself, that you are a “good Catholic”.

    It won’t buy you a seat at the Lord’s table no matter HOW many bishops sign off on it.

    For God is not mocked.

  6. The Bishops, like the Cardinals and Pope are men concerned about politics and how their response will affect tithes for the financial well being of their church finances.

    Biden’s views and his actions “are” a personal matter. It is between God and Joe.
    What Joe fails to realize God is certainly Love, but His work is perfect for all His ways are judgement; a God of truth and without iniquity; just and right is He, and that He is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, a great God, mighty and terrible, without regards for persons nor takes reward. His judgement will be swift and true.
    Views of men appointed by other men are like chaff in the wind. Joe should be shaking in fear of the Words of God and the loss of eternal life.

  7. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the recorded history of the persecution of the Christian church by Rome, and how that persecution would only increase after Rome grew to consume the actual Church and swallow it whole. Revelation shows us that the Mother of Harlots in Revelation 17, who is ‘drunken with the blood of the saints’, can be no one else but the Roman Catholic Church and the papa Vatican city state system.

  8. The Uni-party fears no repercussions religious or otherwise.

    Our government belongs to the globalist cabal in service to Satan.

    They impose no penalties on their useful idiots because they have no morals or ethics worthy of punishment.

    They save their punishment for Whites, Christians, Veterans, LEO’s, and patriots.

    Loving God is the only crime to be punished.

    We are the enemy because we worship the Lord God Almighty.

  9. PedoJoe should be denied communion simply for being married to a divorcee. Catholic doctrine doesn’t recognize divorce, therefore his adulterous whore of a wife is still married to her first husband in the eyes of the church. Of course, being married to someone else didn’t stop that old slut from dropping her panties for Jopedophile back in the day.

  10. @RickeyG

    That long pause over a question about Putin that everybody called a brain freeze -10 seconds or longer – it sure looked like he was concentrating on whatever the cabal was whispering in his ear. If only we could hack that transmission and get him to say “Salute the Marine”

  11. Imagine Joe having to answer this questiom for an eternity

    Mr President, seeing as how you spent 50 years in an office 2 miles away from the Pentagon, and seeing as how the Pentagon is one of the largest buildings in the world and is named for its distinctive shape, how could you forget the name of the Pentagon? Wouldnt this be as laughable as Putin forgetting the name of Red Square?

    Doesnt this suggest that you are either the most senile person ever elected to be the Head of State of any country in human history or that your mental age is that of a seven year old?

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