Watch Biden struggle to use a flip phone – IOTW Report

Watch Biden struggle to use a flip phone

Joe Biden seemed to have a little trouble with technology at an Iowa phone bank. No joke.

10 Comments on Watch Biden struggle to use a flip phone

  1. Good gawd. Biden rallies are growing from ones to tens. At this rate Biden will be able to fill a grade school gym by November. No wonder President Trump looks worried.

  2. that was as funny as She Who Must Be Obeyed insisting that I can’t fix anything on her iPhone & she’ll wait until one of the grandkids comes by & they’ll fix it for her … I just shrug & say ‘I can fix it now, or you can wait. no problem’

    btw, anyone catch the Disney Star Wars general in the background trying to figure our her ‘communication device’ also?

  3. Our Poor Joey can barely pour beans on a plate, how can he be expected to master cellular telephones? This is what forty-four years in Washington DC does to third rate lawyers. It makes them successful politicians.


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