Watch Border Patrol Chase A Human Smuggler Back Across The Border – IOTW Report

Watch Border Patrol Chase A Human Smuggler Back Across The Border

DC: A Border Patrol agent was showing an ABC news crew a common path for human smugglers when they stumbled upon a smuggler actively dropping people off into the country on Tuesday afternoon.  Watch

7 Comments on Watch Border Patrol Chase A Human Smuggler Back Across The Border

  1. Putting a few rounds into the raft would have been ideal. The raft may have been to heavy to drag in the water. Nobody is hurt. The perp needs to buy another raft.

  2. I’m with Menotu – can’t people be stationed right by the river and deny anybody disembarking? I know even as I’m thinking it that it’s perhaps impractical, but look at all those people he had to run past? They **just** got out of the raft and now they’re our problem just because they’re fifty feet into dry land?

  3. Dam it! Call out all the military from Afganistan
    and put them on the BORDER. I want helos and A-10
    warthogs buzzin the sky 24/7 Dam it ! This insane
    libtard crap gotta stop.


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