WATCH: Florida mom calls for ‘mass exodus from public schools’ to standing ovation – IOTW Report

WATCH: Florida mom calls for ‘mass exodus from public schools’ to standing ovation

Post Millennial: Quisha King, who is the co-chair of the Northeast Florida Moms for Liberty Chapter, called for a “mass exodus from public schools,” and the crowd went wild. Speaking at the Pray Vote Stand Summit in Virginia, King recounted her story of becoming an activist mom, and how she came to believe that the public schools were no place for her children.

Speaking out against critical race theory and how “extremely pervasive” it is in public schools, King said parents need to know that it “is not going away.”

“The enemy has no chill,” she said, “and is advancing forward as fast as we can see. I mean, you’re at home trying to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for your kids and the FBI could be knocking at your door, because you might have said the wrong thing at a school board meeting.” King said, referencing the Biden administration’s new initiative to investigate concerned parents who speak up angrily at school board meetings.

“These people, they are serious,” King said. “They want to silence us and shut us down. I really think at this point, the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the public school system.” At that, the crowd went wild. more here

10 Comments on WATCH: Florida mom calls for ‘mass exodus from public schools’ to standing ovation

  1. While I agree that home schooling is far superior—-we home schooled ours—-I also think that just leaving the public schools to the satanists is wrong. I’d be for a continued push for parental oversight of the public schools.

    And home schooling.

  2. Teachers don’t care, they still get paid whether or not your kid is in school and you pay for it. Hell they have no incentive to actually teach your kid anything so why not indoctrinate them? To them that’s more useful than any subject that should be taught. Don’t like it? Good, pull your kid out and the school will still get paid by your taxes. Homeschool is a good option, if you can do it, but you’re still paying for the kids who are at school to be indoctrinated. Figure 50% of them are die hard liberal devil children that will only be further emboldened in an echo chamber with no pushback.

    I’m pretty certain vaccines will be mandated starting next year and my youngest will still have 3 years left. He’s a bit hard headed and short fused, learning from his parents is going to be next to impossible, we’ve been thinking about what to do with him. What’s really on my mind though is the school I’ll be forced to still pay for that he won’t be allowed to attend thanks to mass psychosis. Teachers didn’t miss a single paycheck while the kids learned nothing all last year and now my kid needs a medical experiment to further keep them happy? Fk off. I don’t know the answers, but I do know shit’s way out of hand.

  3. I hated school from the time I was in 8th grade in 1966 when the school shrink diagnosed me with ADHD. The problem was I could out read and out spell nearly everyone else in my class except for one very smart Japanese girl and I was bored to tears. If I was in school now I’d probably be even more of a bigger rebel than I was then and be in big doo doo with the school authorities for refusing to be dumbed down and made to except the lowest common denominator or else.

  4. The way I understand it, if your kid doesn’t show up for school even one day that’s money the school doesn’t get.
    However, we need vouchers for kids so parents can send them to whatever school or homeschool they want with the tax dollars they pay into. Let them compete in an open market for your choice. It would fit this. The left are terrified of that idea.

  5. I agree. Pull all the kids from Woke Indoctrination Racist School. Yes, at first the Woke Supremacists will all get paid even though no one is there to “teach.” But, it won’t go on for long. Make them obsolete.

  6. “…the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the public school system.”

    I’ll believe it when I see it. Many religious schools in my home town are closing for lack of students. When enrollment starts going UP, then I’ll believe these people. Until then it’s just more hot air.


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